5.4 Final Ultron

I need some advice here. Who should I bring to 5.4. I don’t have GR for the Blade synergy. I do have a three star. Is he worth bringing? I have cleared most of 5.4 with minimal revives. 

Blade: Danger Sense. If you have GR, even if he's really weak, it could be helpful just for the synergy.
SL: Tactician. Seen as later enemies are much harder, his sig will be extremely useful here.
AA: Not much to say here. Despite the fact that he is very situational in terms of usefulness, he's really good in those certain situations. Just make sure you don't face anyone with poison immunity, and definitely not anyone with bleed immunity.
SW: Solid damage on sp2, power drain, and veil of fortune. Again, not much to say.
Angela: Not sure how good she really is, but she seems to be a good character, so go with her.
Good luck!
So maybe don't bring Blade. Proxima can serve as a nice substitute.