Hulk Indestructible

Hi, peeps.
I was fighting Hulk (original) in Arena, and he got Indestructible. It wasn't a visual thing, because I hit him, and he didn't take any damage. The opponent had Loki and Thor (Ragnarok) on his team.
Is this a Synergy or a Mastery? Or a Bug?
I was fighting Hulk (original) in Arena, and he got Indestructible. It wasn't a visual thing, because I hit him, and he didn't take any damage. The opponent had Loki and Thor (Ragnarok) on his team.
Is this a Synergy or a Mastery? Or a Bug?
The future of combat is Ability Accuracy Reduction - go Falcon!
Which Champ du u used?
evade Champs can Trigger a Mastery that makes unstoppable.
I don't remember whom I was using, unfortunately.