Revives in quests?

CaboDestro1CaboDestro1 Member Posts: 59
Finished Heroic and I'm halfway thru Master and haven't seen a single revive. Wondering if it's just me or if they've gotten ride of winning them in quests?


  • PsyCriPsyCri Member Posts: 19
    I don't think there any revives in master or hard! Actually a lvl2 health pot comes also not often but you will find for sure on easy and medium!
  • spumingtonspumington Member Posts: 350 ★★
    They drop occasionally, but it's pretty rare. Whenever I do quests, I look at the path to see which one has a potion on it. You can usually stock up on heal potions this way. You might get one revive per monthly quest this way.

    The really weird thing is that if you're doing master difficulty, you only get level 1 heal potions. If you're doing normal, you get level 2. It makes no sense!
  • CrusherCrusher Member Posts: 305
    ... They are pretty rare... But not impossible to get. I got 3 revives from master exploration...
  • KillerDynastyKillerDynasty Member Posts: 74
    break the system put no revives and potion on maps equals more money more money. Seriously people understand whats going on.
  • ImmortalImmortal Member Posts: 323 ★★
    In masters I get lv1 pot !!! You got lv2 ones ? Lucky !
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