Mutant Additions for September....

Just curious who everyone thinks will be the mutant Additions in September (based on the Dungeon Room mini-quest leak) since it doesn't appear that we will get Cloak and Dagger as many thought.
There is only one mutant spot open in the character spider-web map that Kabam released and it branches off from Cyclops so I'm thinking Havok for that one. There is also a solo spot below the mutants that doesn't have a connector. If this is the second spot they are filling, I am personally hoping for Gladiator.
What do you all think?
Also, if it is Havok, I'm sure he will have a synergy with Cyclops that might make him more usable. Any thoughts on what this might be?
There is only one mutant spot open in the character spider-web map that Kabam released and it branches off from Cyclops so I'm thinking Havok for that one. There is also a solo spot below the mutants that doesn't have a connector. If this is the second spot they are filling, I am personally hoping for Gladiator.
What do you all think?
Also, if it is Havok, I'm sure he will have a synergy with Cyclops that might make him more usable. Any thoughts on what this might be?
Wouldn't Kitty branch off from Colossus or Wolverine, not Cyclops? This makes me think that branch is either Havok or Mr. Sinister. I seriously doubt they would bring in Corsair or Vulcan before Havok also. (Not that you mentioned them....)
If I had to guess on the hero, I think, in order, it would be Frost or Kitty before a few others
How can you make Cyclops better? He's so EFFECTIVE!
Also, I can name a few unmentioned mutants. NegaSonic Teenage Warhead (Deadpool 2). Yukio [Deadpool 2 (Is she a mutant, or is she just an awesome ninja with a chain?)], Shatterstar (Deadpool 2), Bedlam [Deadpool 2 (make him kind of like Electro)], ZyteGeist (or however you spell it, Deadpool 2), OR...…..The Vanisher! {DUN DUN DUN!!!!! [Make him kind of like Ghost, but give him a Brad Pitt cameo as his S3] (Deadpool 2)}. They could also make some funny ones, like Dopinder or Peter (Both Deadpool 2) both as skill characters, and have Peter's cat have a role in his S3, and have Deadpool jump through Dopinder's cab window and make him ram into the opponent like Howard the Duck in his S3. Although none of these characters would be implemented into the game, it would be a great idea. I really want a Deadpool 2 accurate character in MCOC, at least one!
@Wakanda4Ever278 I hope that is sarcasm. 😂😂
Kabam provided a map. I just don't see how your suggestions fit into that map....
Inflicts Degeneration and converts it to regeneration if he is standing near the enemy.
It would definitely make him more appealing if he got a synergy that gave his optic blasts some more effects (possibly dependent on combo count). Something like one of:
(Significantly) increased armour break duration
Reduced chance to evade/auto-block/briefly reduced ability accuracy
Optic blasts have a chance to remove Unstoppable/Indestructible/Physical Resistance effects equal to their Armour Break chance
Inflict Petrify/Enervation debuffs alongside Armour Break