Who to use 5* Gems on

buttersbutters Member Posts: 116
Finished Act 5 100% yesterday by exploring 5.3. Pulled a skill 5* Gem and got the generic. Not sure who to use either on. For the generic whoever I use it on will go to rank 5 (I already have CapIW there), whoever I use the skill on I will take up to rank 4 once I get the materials. Any help is appreciated.

Who to use 5* Gems on 34 votes

Skill Gem on Killmonger, Generic on Magik
xananabanana 1 vote
Skill Gem on Killmonger, Generic on Spark
Skill Gem on Blade, Generic on Magik
Bruce12342XFA_RebootedTheSquish671SparkyCz 4 votes
Skill Gem on Blade, Generic on Spark
BrainimpacterPlayer1994colbyscipio987Crimsontide1616AanthoPeterQuillCostanzaNerds_galoreLordNeoBdavis_2017 10 votes
Hold both
Alex_sc11AleorWebby72 3 votes
Skill on Blade, Hold Generic
AraevinTheManMythLegendSIlverProfessorBuckeyeKPAnonymous346TwmRDanny_Six_strings6PedritkoRockypantherxKriisshhFooshblalalaRaveNN 13 votes
Skill on Killmonger, Hold Generic
ShrimkinsRaganatorAmazing_Demon05 3 votes


  • colbyscipio987colbyscipio987 Member Posts: 1,027 ★★
    Skill Gem on Blade, Generic on Spark
  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★
    Skill Gem on Blade, Generic on Spark
    definetly use that skill on blade u can hold the generic if u want it's hard to let go loool
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    Hold both
    blade... he is okay, but are you sure you want to bring him to aw with all those new champs countering him? km has too low dps imo. with md nerfed magi now not that good as defender, for power control she's good unduped. sparky is okay unduped. but hey, if you like any of them, of course you can use it)
  • BuckeyeKPBuckeyeKP Member Posts: 693 ★★
    Skill on Blade, Hold Generic
    Blade is still great, KM's does help him hit harder but seems more for D. Generic on Stark is not a bad idea, he does get quite a bit better with it esp for LOL with longer taunts. I had mine at r4/55 unduped and he was still pretty awesome then. I'd hold the generic at least a while longer to see if you pull anyone more needed/deserving. If not then go for it.
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