Getting cheated out of Iso and Gold?

I was finally getting around to ranking/levelling my 2* Loki. I was close to getting him to 3/30, needing just over 50 Iso to do so. I went to my Iso stash and clicked to Claim Max, knowing that I had a Tier 1 Iso in there. Went back to the level up screen and, with having the "Enable Smart Select" box checked, it automatically selected TWO, YES 2, 1 Iso when I needed less than 75 Iso to level Loki to the max. The game was trying to get me to use more Iso and spend more gold than I needed to. 

Yeah sorry, got my images mixed up. Added it as a 2nd post.
just saw. interesting. ive never seen this. I usually uncheck the box, sometimes I like using certain things in my stash before stuff in my inventory
I noticed this whenever itll hit the limit, even by 1. Id rather use one T5 for 7400 on the level instead of a bunch of smaller iso
I've had this happen a couple of times while ranking up champs. But i was fortunate enough to notice this and deselect the extra iso that wasn't needed. Everyone should pay attention and make sure everything adds up accordingly.
For sure. I only just noticed it when I knew I needed so little and it selected 2 Tier 1, almost tripling what I needed to fully rank. My advice for everyone is to NOT use the auto-select feature.
How’s he trolling