Still looking for 2 players in GMT+9 Timezone, very active in AQ/AW. min hero rating now 130K. uses whatsapp for communication. My game name is Championcritic, message me if interested
Still looking for 3 people to join our alliance. At borderline gold 3 and wish to keep it that way. MUST be active at using whatsapp and has blue ticks enabled.
We will be having a player taking a break from MCOC once AW season ends, so we will need 1 person to join us after the AW season. We are currently in gold 2/3 and want someone that 1) can solo any path in AW, 2) is in GMT+8 timezone, 3) uses WhatsApp, 4) very active in AQ/AW. Please reply here or else message me in game at championcritic.