ÑøX2 Recruiting

Alliance: No X-ceptions
After all the daily requests we get from players interested in joining and our own members needing to step away from our high competitive nature in No X-cuses, we have decided to form another alliance.....No X-ceptions.
We are in the building stages of filling up the alliance with new members now. Currently in gold 2 with the easy plans of Gold1/Plat3.
AQ Plans are currently 5x5 with changes to follow during the new upcoming season.
This is a good stepping stone for those interested in working towards a much higher level with possibility of one day joining No X-cuses, although we will never recruit from No X-ceptions. It is also a chance for others to step back from the higher level of competition.
If you have the skill and are around 6K prestige then join our recruit chat for more info by clicking the link:
ÑøX Recruit Chat
IGN: Berserk Nation
I am looking for a good alliance. Please check out
Line id^
We had a member get banned, because unbeknownst to us, he had a pilot finish his LOL and AW. We are still in Gold 1 #700 rank even after getting bumped down 300 spots for his actions.