5* Skill Awakening Gem

I just finished exploration of 5.3 and ended up with a 5* skill awakening gem. Just curious on who people think will benefit from it more. I do currently use the Trinity as a quest team most of the time with a 5* R4 Blade, 5* R4 GR and 4* R5 Sparky. Killmonger is currently R2, but can bring him up to R3 right now and may go R4 in the near future also. I know they both benefit, but KM sig looks to be better then just healing like Blade's. Unless there is some other skill I'm not thinking of? I know GP is a candidate, but dont have a 5* of her and do have a 4* R4 duped.
Edit: now its a tie, that's what I was expecting to make the decision harder anyways....lol.
Now, if you don't care or don't need to clear more content right now, I change my vote for KM, cause he is a badass.
My next move, besides the monthly quests are to finish exploration of Act 5. Have exploration of 5.4 left and just exploration of Collector chapter in 5.2. After that, at some point LoL, but who knows when I'll get to that at this point.