Unblockable specials node - Properly define it!

RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
Alright, let me just cut straight to the point. You guys should be aware of a few nodes where specials can be unblockable, such as:
Enhanced Special 1, Enhanced Special 2, Unblockable and Unblockable Finale.

Problem here? Inconsistency! First off, the enhanced specials. So, apparently the description says "Special x deals y% more damage and cannot be blocked", ok fair enough. Then you go in the fight and you realise it is only referring to the first hit that is unblockable... wait, that's not true either. Ultron's L2 first 2 hits are blockable, but the last 2 hits are unblockable. Ok, that means the first physical hit is unblockable, but wait, that's not it either! If that is true, why are magneto and Dr Strange's L2 first hits unblockable when their hits aren't physical? See what I am talking about? Inconsistent!

Second off, Unblockable and Unblockable Finale. Ok, so maybe you already know which champ's special attacks have their first hit unblockable, or some special rule revolves around them like Ultron. Description of these nodes say pretty much the same thing: Special attacks are unblockable (after dropping below 25% health). You step into the fight against one of these nodes, evade the first hit, oh wait, the rest of the hits are now unblockable! How are these 2 nodes different from the first 2 nodes when they pretty much imply the same thing with their node descriptions?

So really, this just peeves off players with poor description. I suggest fixing these descriptions or making it consistent. If the first hit is to be unblockable, make it consistent for all champs and all types of unblockable nodes. If it is a coding error, fix it.


  • CrusherOfDreamsCrusherOfDreams Guest, Member Posts: 1,370 ★★★
    Welcome to a Kabam game.
  • Indabitably1Indabitably1 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2018
    I believe unblockable finale makes all hits, even basic attacks, unblockable. Enhanced special just makes non projectile hits on specials unblockable
  • SolswerdSolswerd Member Posts: 1,880 ★★★★
    I believe unblockable finale makes all hits, even basic attacks, unblockable. Enhanced special just makes non projectile hits on specials unblockable

    You resurrected this thread from last July...
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