Art of War - 13.5 million alliance - looking for 2-4 members.

Looking for 2-4 skilled players. Got some people retiring just now and 2 alt accounts that need replaced. Building to ensure we have a strong 30 before seasons starts so we can make a push for Platinum. Been Gold 1 all 3 seasons so far.
AQ is Map 5 x 5. You need to have at least 2 R4's and have a full defence of R3 or 5/50 at the least.
Prestige isn't a big deal as we're not an AQ team that pushes for the top, but we need activity and skill in both AQ and War.
Donations are 130k Gold, 30k BC and 13k AC.
Minimums in events aren't really there, all we ask is that you push to help the alliance get the maximum rewards from the easy ones.
We are not an Arena alliance, but do have people that play it.
if interested, please add me, Ragingtiger or Huntrv8 in game.
We use a chat app called Slack, we do not use Line and you would need to download Slack in order to join. (It's easy and we find it better than Line)

AQ is Map 5 x 5. You need to have at least 2 R4's and have a full defence of R3 or 5/50 at the least.
Prestige isn't a big deal as we're not an AQ team that pushes for the top, but we need activity and skill in both AQ and War.
Donations are 130k Gold, 30k BC and 13k AC.
Minimums in events aren't really there, all we ask is that you push to help the alliance get the maximum rewards from the easy ones.
We are not an Arena alliance, but do have people that play it.
if interested, please add me, Ragingtiger or Huntrv8 in game.
We use a chat app called Slack, we do not use Line and you would need to download Slack in order to join. (It's easy and we find it better than Line)