Whos better?

on of my ally members has an SW unduped and he keeps saying that SW is horrible and worth selling. I highly dissagree with that but he won't change his mind on her. he says that void is better than her in all ways. Whos right?
Whos better? 29 votes
Once awakened though, SW is still one of the fiercer 4* champs out there. Unduped she's okay, duped she is great.
I would vote 'who cares', but that would be harsh. Selling however, that is never a good option. At least in the long run you'll get shards off of her once she gets duped. And the next time more shards. Don't sell champs, the pay-off isn't worth it.
Sw is so powerful we can't have her as a five star, that's all the argument I need.
In game and comes in both the 5 star and 6 star. No question who is better. If SW was a 5 star then this would be a serious question. Void lives up to the hype.