Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Alliance War issues

Greetings, I have an issue I need to bring to the table in hopes of help. I have tried to contact Tech support with no help or resolution.

This morning during an alliance war, I notice that the alliance we were facing had fighters at a higher level than ours. I compared the group one bosses that had similar champions...Ultron. I noticed my Ultron had a level of 5,000, while the other Ultron had a level of over 16,000. When I contacted tech support they admitted to the mistake but told me it's something only in the View base option and without better investigation, closed the case. But I sent a pic in another option and you clearly see that's it's in more than one option. On officer of mine said he saw the same issue posted on Reddit, so it's not an isolated incident.

To admit a problem is one thing but to do nothing to resolve the problem is an example of unfair gamesmanship. I notice post all over about cheating and other forms of unfair gamesmanship, so this is no different. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



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