Medusa and her fury change

It appears she’s only dropping one fury or two after autoblock is triggered. Was this in the update points? Was she not making enough money? Is this “as intended?”
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Pretty sure in today’s AW I had similar experience on boss. She auto block and within a few seconds she was at 3 again which caught me off guard. usually with iceman I can alternate between using his ice armor and his L1 for cleansing them and in this situation I had minimal time between 3 furies
First time I thought I was seeing things, then I started paying attention.
Whenever she has three charges of fury, the moment she autoblocks, one charge drops. You then need her three times now for all three to drop.
If you back off right away, she'll pop back to three charges.
This is something I still needed to go into the release notes to see if anything was mentioned, but I'm clearly not the only one seeing it. Something has changed, most definitely.
I fear for the threads exclaiming outrage this will bring. She's hard enough in war as is, this tips her over to seriously hard.
Mind you, it has saved me a couple of times as well during the bashing of Emma in Uncollected.
It might make her harder, it's also something that saves you when playing her.