It was great.

Last month during the punisher and carnage event the game ran nearly perfect. I was impressed enough to change my rating on the play store from 4 to 5 stars and I thought YES!!! The game we loved is back and it's giving us the champions we've been wanting...... Carnage I mean. As disappointing as he is he's nice eye candy to have in the roster and I'm sure there's a node for him on defense..... Somewhere... But then this update happens and it's like right back to 12. 0 but now android users are taking the hit. It's gotten so bad that some alliances won't even have you if you are a android player cause it effects your play the game is so buggy. I'm in the middle of a quick 6 hit combo and hit 3 I'm parried. But this is only in alliance fights. I thought kabam promised us beta testing. I think we're all getting a little bit tired of the silent nerfs and intentionally placed bugs. My units getting low from the game not reconnecting when my lte drops to 3 g. It's kinda funny how the game can notice if the connection drops mid fight but if you win and it drops it's a automatic loss. FIX IT GUYS WE KNOW YOU ARE CAPABLE OF DOING MUCH BETTER.
Honestly though, I think that there's a high possibility that all the Beta testers use iOS. Android ALWAYS has a few bugs that others don't have. It gets old, especially when there are many bugs running across all platforms already. It's just worse for Android users. I have no chance at a Legend runs because I'm on Android. That's just how it is. The loading times are nearly, if not, doubled. Arena is harder, too, though the new streamline system might be changing that. It's just not fair. If Kabam is going to test on one platform more thoroughly, it should be Android, not iOS.
Lol really? I love The Office. Favorite show, period. That's my favorite GIF ever.