AI - Wait and timeout in AQ/AW

SianKitSianKit Member Posts: 7
Very often when fighting AI, AI just wait, stand in the corner for player to attack them. Even worse are champs like hyperion, mordo, cable and other power charge champs when they are blocking.
Question, why there are no punishment for AI to wait, while for players we will be punished because of the 3 min timeout? To be fair, AI shouldn't be allowed to wait at the corner for longer than 1 sec. Or timeout should be disabled


  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,323 ★★★★★
    Land multiple heavy attack?

  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Hit the AI if he won't attack lol
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  • ImmortalImmortal Member Posts: 323 ★★
    Do not hold block, if you block, they will just block all day long
  • SianKitSianKit Member Posts: 7
    Like mentioned, most irritating is when you are fighting mordo or hyperion... while AI holding block or waiting in their corner, is likely that their power bar will be full very soon. Apart from that, why is there a time punishment for player (timeout) and our health reduced to half, but AI keep theirs? To be fair, they should also be punished right? Like not allowed to hold back for longer than a second or so...
  • 420down420down Member Posts: 170
    Usually they only do it for the start of the fight. I wait them out. I'm not using champs that get time outs though. Thankfully the minis play much more aggressive.
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