Ghost Rider Damnation bug vs Red Symbioid

I think this is a new bug with the latest patch, when playing ghost rider against a red symbioid, the symbioid shrugged off damnation via Restoration and the judgements didn't reset. This left ghost rider completely locked down - and rather impotent for the remainder of a long fight (+200% health node).
Testing in a duel with Crossbones, the damnation behaves properly, and I wasn't able to get AV to shrug off damnation in any of my duels today, so I can't confirm whether or not he has the issue.
Testing in a duel with Crossbones, the damnation behaves properly, and I wasn't able to get AV to shrug off damnation in any of my duels today, so I can't confirm whether or not he has the issue.