What changes when you become uncollected?

I'm very close to becoming uncollected, currently buying potions for The Collector. I'm wondering, besides the new difficulty in monthly quests, which new things can I expect after becoming uncollected?
Flip it if you're one of those 'ladies' I heard about once, a long time ago...
I like this answer xD
You are *my* kind of human
By potions I mean revives, health potions, revive potion. I bought 4 40% team rez, and I own a 20% attack/health boost, a 20% health boost and a 15% attack boost. And a couple class boosts.
I'm going with Gwenpool, Iceman, Archangel, Magik and Yondu.
Kamikaze style I belive: aggressive damage until he kills me with specials; then proceed with the other champion until a team 40% revive is in order. Hoping that 4 sets of my team can take the collector out. Basically
Any suggestions?