might want to max dexterity. stupify. dw, if using bleed champs. assassin maybe?
used md for d, helped a little with gr offensive, but the point is not many champs have significant number of buffs like htd, so if use gr a lot, you might fight champ with buffs like others without it
I dropped my MD to 3. I had it higher for defense but at some level it actually becomes annoying to manage on attack for some champs. At 3 I find I get what I need from mystic champs and can invest the other points into other masteries
Limber should be max out.
Any other suggestion?
If I don't like it it's only loyalty
How mystic cores does it take to unlock md4? I don’t want to reset my masteries to work out how many cores I need to buy back
75i think
used md for d, helped a little with gr offensive, but the point is not many champs have significant number of buffs like htd, so if use gr a lot, you might fight champ with buffs like others without it
Any good suggestion?