Strong Map5x5 AQ and T2 AW Ally Recruiting Strong/Capable Fighters

8.7 mil tier 2 AW Strong But Laid Back Alliance Recruiting
About us:
We are a 8.7 million alliance looking for a couple people to replace one for our Asia based bg. Can accept from any timezone but Asia preferred. We are strong and organized but fairly laid back group who get things done. We realize there is a life outside the game and will alter our schedule at times if needed for the group during holidays or high vacation periods. Many of us are professionals and family oriented people.
We are tier 2 AW and run 5x5 in AQ. Oscillate up and down in T2 AW and rarely leave that group. We work to get better always in AW and increase in AQ. No event mins but we expect everyone pitch in and always hit milestones in major events.
We are not really arena focused but do have some hardcore arena grinders in the group. Don't not focus on arena related alliance events or require this.
- 5+ R5 champs in the roster and can put out a capable attack for AQ/AW and at least a defense D set up for AW
-Map 5 experience a must
- Higher level AW experience
-Strong fighter capable of competing in AW tier 2 and capable of holding a line to themselves
-Regulary completes T4B arena unless T4B maxed
- Can complete higher level content and challenge quests (Master Mode, ROL, RTTL, Bautista Chloe, Act 5.2 etc).
Line App and Donations(Standsrd map 5 donation) are required.
If interested I can be reached via line to discuss further and see if it's a fit.
Line ID pumbas147
About us:
We are a 8.7 million alliance looking for a couple people to replace one for our Asia based bg. Can accept from any timezone but Asia preferred. We are strong and organized but fairly laid back group who get things done. We realize there is a life outside the game and will alter our schedule at times if needed for the group during holidays or high vacation periods. Many of us are professionals and family oriented people.
We are tier 2 AW and run 5x5 in AQ. Oscillate up and down in T2 AW and rarely leave that group. We work to get better always in AW and increase in AQ. No event mins but we expect everyone pitch in and always hit milestones in major events.
We are not really arena focused but do have some hardcore arena grinders in the group. Don't not focus on arena related alliance events or require this.
- 5+ R5 champs in the roster and can put out a capable attack for AQ/AW and at least a defense D set up for AW
-Map 5 experience a must
- Higher level AW experience
-Strong fighter capable of competing in AW tier 2 and capable of holding a line to themselves
-Regulary completes T4B arena unless T4B maxed
- Can complete higher level content and challenge quests (Master Mode, ROL, RTTL, Bautista Chloe, Act 5.2 etc).
Line App and Donations(Standsrd map 5 donation) are required.
If interested I can be reached via line to discuss further and see if it's a fit.
Line ID pumbas147