Almost unplayable after update

After the Ant man update we got lag, skipping, and other issues, but they were easy to play over and power through. Now we get the danger room update and EVERY aspect of the game lags HORRIBLY. If i go to hit the help button that screen lags, sometimes hitting "help 4" does nothing. Going to the crystal vault, it lags, you're trying to scroll through and it just keeps tapping instead and dropping down crystal menus instead. Spinning or popping crystals, even a single one takes more than a minute to do. You could wait up to 2 minutes to find out what champ you got because it freezes between openings or tapping to stop. Lag during combat makes AQ almost impossible to finish, the fights don't start until right before the background music loops, and the whole fight is just skipping frames. Doing things like intercepting, baiting a heavy attack, parrying, or dexterity use is hard to do, because the whole fight will freeze right before any input is successfully registered. Every time we get new game modes or characters, it seems to pile on a ton of bugs and lag. We really appreciate what Kabam is trying to do, but I've been playing the game less and less, only popping on for alliance modes to avoid getting kicked, but it takes longer than it should to finish a fight or do anything in game of significance. My quest energy just sits there now. It sucks because this is the only mobile game i really play and it's one of my favorite games.
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Thanks for the feedback on this. I'm sorry it's been a bad experience trying to play recently.