He was not nerf technically, his combo meter was capped at 400 which is equivalent to 30000 + attack stat if you can get there. He still murders AW bosses with 75 hits and AQ minibosses with 50 hits.
He was not nerf technically, his combo meter was capped at 400 which is equivalent to 30000 + attack stat if you can get there. He still murders AW bosses with 75 hits and AQ minibosses with 50 hits.
Technically, it was a nerf. Putting a cap on something that was not previously there is a nerf. As far as the rest of your post, you forgot to add, "if you are skilled at using him".
You make it seem like the second anyone gets a SL 5* awakened, they will breeze through all content in this game. That's just not how it works. Is he a great champ? Yes, but you have to be able to maintain the combo. I don't see tons of videos on YouTube showing SL just marching through LOL (as one might think from reading your posts).
Thts his ability though. Take that away and he is a useless champ. It takes skill keep up a combo meter. Why not get rewarded for keeping the combo hits going? Might as well nerf cyclops and rocket with that logic as they get better the more combo hits you have
ROL WS is not a meter to measure how powerful a champ is.
Neither are your metrics, really. But since you're willing to quote how many attacks to kill an AQ miniboss as an interesting statistic, I think quoting how many attacks to kill something with a lot more health is equally valid.
CapWW2, while you are correct on certain things in my opinion, nerfing Star Lord is definitely not one of them. What's wrong with you dude? Players should be rewarded for Skill, and that is exactly what SL does. If you don't have skill he is trash. It's great that Kabaam has a champ like him. Most of us have a life I personally don't want to be in a single fight (with the exception of LOL) that takes more than 2 mins to beat, it gets boring. This game has always been about luck. Deal with it and move on
CapWW2, while you are correct on certain things in my opinion, nerfing Star Lord is definitely not one of them. What's wrong with you dude? Players should be rewarded for Skill, and that is exactly what SL does. If you don't have skill he is trash. It's great that Kabaam has a champ like him. Most of us have a life I personally don't want to be in a single fight (with the exception of LOL) that takes more than 2 mins to beat, it gets boring. This game has always been about luck. Deal with it and move on
I completely retracted from my opinion on SL! He should stay how he is, he is working as intended!
SL Is the higher heavy hitter in the game, period. Dont compare WS with no freaking buffs with an AW boss loaded with buffs or AQ boss,
Once again you have to have skill for him to heavy hit, if you have no skill he is worthless. As I said maybe you enjoy fights with 500 hits to win, the rest of us don't, it's just super boring as it is. Players should be rewarded with champs like that with the right skill. You are the only one who wants a nerf for starlord, are you just looking for some attention,
Once again you have to have skill for him to heavy hit, if you have no skill he is worthless. As I said maybe you enjoy fights with 500 hits to win, the rest of us don't, it's just super boring as it is. Players should be rewarded with champs like that with the right skill. You are the only one who wants a nerf for starlord, are you just looking for some attention,
You are addind a 0 mate, i am saying 50 freaking hits, just 50!
@CapWW2 , you keep mentioning AW bosses and how SL can run through them in a 50-79 hit combo. I'm assuming you don't play in tier 1 AW. Typically your mini bosses and main boss are a variation of either all r4 Magjiks or a mixture of Magjik juggs and dorm. SL doesn't walk through any of them. Here's why:MD . I used my r4 SL sig 104 against Magjik and watched her rewind my 45k sp2, then limbo me to death. Also guess what? SL has fury, feeds MD like crazy, combo that with dexterity and your in for a hell of a fight with their power gain. So again SL can do damage but against t1 mystics with MD maxed he's not as unstoppable as you're making him seem.
@CapWW2 , again I think you missed the major point of my post. Tier 1 top level alliance wars is dominated by mystic bosses. I would be so excited if my opponent was silly enough to have a cable or iceman on any of the boss nodes that's an easy win. I'm referring to mystics: Magjik, Juggs, Dorm MD 5/5. SL takes limbo damage just like everyone else, SL gets degenerated to death from dexterity and fury just like everyone else. I'm referring to players with actual tier 1 AW top level experience ( including myself I'm in a 11mil plus alliance with a war rating of 2.3k+) not YouTube videos. I'll say it again, you'll mainly see Mystic bosses and SL doesn't walk through them because of MD, limbo and degen. I'm not sure which level of AW your seeing with cable or iceman as boss because those are easy wins with little to no item use.
Unfortunately for the guys that have been playing this game for a while and are in really competitive alliances tier 2 AW for the sake of this discussion is rather irrelevant just because the competition level is so drastic between the two. Anything lower than tier 1 a lot of different champions can dominate nodes and seem unstoppable because of the lowered competition hence the reason why alliances sometimes "take breaks" by dropping down to tier 2. Bragging about what you can do with SL in tier 2 (with a class advantage)is similar to bragging about fighting the duel target that's a 4* level 1/10.
Unfortunately for the guys that have been playing this game for a while and are in really competitive alliances tier 2 AW for the sake of this discussion is rather irrelevant just because the competition level is so drastic between the two. Anything lower than tier 1 a lot of different champions can dominate nodes and seem unstoppable because of the lowered competition hence the reason why alliances sometimes "take breaks" by dropping down to tier 2. Bragging about what you can do with SL in tier 2 (with a class advantage)is similar to bragging about fighting the duel target that's a 4* level 1/10.
What I don't like about AW bosses is they have true strike. If they didn't, Quake would be a perfect counterchamp to MD. She can inflict damage without raising their power bar and doesn't have any buffs except for Dexterity - and due to her solid block, lots of times she doesn't have to evade and block instead.
I guess the best champ against Magik as an AW boss in tier 1 is - a Magik of your own.
Btw, what about Guilly...? You have to get a bit lucky, but if she can reverse her limbo, Magik can die quite quickly.
@KoperBoy , agreed man, it's the buffs that really make Magjik shine from true strike to immune to all debuffs. Also guilly can do a lot of damage if you can fire off that sp2 and get Magjik to limbo. The thing that sucks about that is you still need to have enough life on guilly to make it through that limbo attack. I run line 3 in tier 1 AW and always have to go against a immune to all debuffs Magjik that can replicate fury, regen, and cruelty buffs, and she's a pain, especially when she replicates SLs fury and then limbos for 1200 per tick due to the increased attack from fury. That's AW though the war of Mystics with MD 5/5. Maybe one day kabam will make the other class masteries actually comparable to the power and usefulness of MD which gives the most powerful class of heroes an even more brutal domination of any class including science heroes because dexterity is the only way to be able to manually avoid attacks.
"Boohoo, just cuz a champ can deal so much damage cuz of skill by maintaining a long combo, means he should be nerfed"
Hmm, how about guillotine's special 2? One of that against a champ that frequently heals can be very devastating, should be nerfed because reversing heal is too op.
Storm too OP, one duped special 2 against an enemy with full power and 30000 dmg crit, too op! Must nerf.
SW too OP, can crit for 20000+ dmg when she has cruelty and fury buff, must nerf!
You see where this is going? Your point suggests that a champ that builds up his damage over time through a long combo should be nerfed, when in reality, there are other champs able to score very high damage instantly without a big combo.
Guys champions with reduction of enemy defensive ability accuracy is what u need to kill magik! the other trick is try to bait her sp1 but with out activating your dexterity! The sp2 limbo activates 12,5% more often according the sp1 limbo so,if your champion does not reduce enemy def.ab.acc. close to 90-100% it would be a good idea not to push her,to her second special bar..
I have played this game for a good while. I have completed all end game content outside of lol. I have spent months fighting aq and aw for the chance to land the right 5* champs and get the right cats. Why has this conversation shifted towards devaluing my reward
I have one of those. He's so much fun to use.
I'll go back to slumming around with my r5 sig 99 4*
Technically, it was a nerf. Putting a cap on something that was not previously there is a nerf. As far as the rest of your post, you forgot to add, "if you are skilled at using him".
You make it seem like the second anyone gets a SL 5* awakened, they will breeze through all content in this game. That's just not how it works. Is he a great champ? Yes, but you have to be able to maintain the combo. I don't see tons of videos on YouTube showing SL just marching through LOL (as one might think from reading your posts).
I just saw Brian kill RoL Winter Soldier with Gwenpool in 83 hits.
There are top 5 champs in the game:
star lord
ROL WS is not a meter to measure how powerful a champ is.
Neither are your metrics, really. But since you're willing to quote how many attacks to kill an AQ miniboss as an interesting statistic, I think quoting how many attacks to kill something with a lot more health is equally valid.
I completely retracted from my opinion on SL! He should stay how he is, he is working as intended!
SL Is the higher heavy hitter in the game, period. Dont compare WS with no freaking buffs with an AW boss loaded with buffs or AQ boss,
You are addind a 0 mate, i am saying 50 freaking hits, just 50!
What low trash tier in AW are you in where a 5* SL can solo AW bosses?
What I don't like about AW bosses is they have true strike. If they didn't, Quake would be a perfect counterchamp to MD. She can inflict damage without raising their power bar and doesn't have any buffs except for Dexterity - and due to her solid block, lots of times she doesn't have to evade and block instead.
I guess the best champ against Magik as an AW boss in tier 1 is - a Magik of your own.
Btw, what about Guilly...? You have to get a bit lucky, but if she can reverse her limbo, Magik can die quite quickly.
Hmm, how about guillotine's special 2? One of that against a champ that frequently heals can be very devastating, should be nerfed because reversing heal is too op.
Storm too OP, one duped special 2 against an enemy with full power and 30000 dmg crit, too op! Must nerf.
SW too OP, can crit for 20000+ dmg when she has cruelty and fury buff, must nerf!
You see where this is going? Your point suggests that a champ that builds up his damage over time through a long combo should be nerfed, when in reality, there are other champs able to score very high damage instantly without a big combo.
I would add Iceman to that list.