Best AW boss

I remember a previous poll that Morningstar (if I'm not mistaken) was voted the best AW boss. But now with the changes to MD and the addition of new champs, who do you feel is the best champ to place as boss?
Best AW boss 120 votes
2 votes
2 votes
4 votes
Ironman IW
34 votes
6 votes
Classic Spiderman
7 votes
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46 votes
1 vote
16 votes
@mutamatt placed her one time ... those thighs were devastating.
Bait the heavy and the evade goes into cooldown. She's a good defender, but she's pretty manageable.
Wasp esay just bait hervy and she wont evade much
1 or 2 kills for Medusa? We usually get 10+ with our r5 5* Sig 100+ Medusa as Boss.
Tier 7-8 AW
I am in tier 2 ... most bosses get soloed.
Voodoo would destroy Korg as main AW boss. His signature ability reduces thorns ability accuracy and Korg’s ability accuracy to shrug off debuffs by 50%. Voodoo’s power burn also bypassss thorns 100%. Throw in adaptive and Voodoo’s spirit poison damage is massive against Korg
Yeah I’m sure it’s just cause he’s new right now but our Medusa’s were 50/50 whether or not she did anything for us. Just too many options to use against her.
@Vincew80 Don’t get me wrong Korg is a top tier defender. Before the MD nerf 5/65 Dormammmu was the best AW boss. I asked multiple tier 1 players for advice on how to fight him using Gulk, best answers I got were use an invulnerability boost and use Magik.
5/65 Medusa is the best AW boss but gets owned by 4/55+ Morningstar with 5 souls and also gets soloed by 5/65 Ghost Rider/Hyperion. All other tier 1-3 AW boss options get soloed by more champions than can solo Medusa.
Hes easy with killmonger and other champs with true strike
R5 medusa with 100ish sigs? Daheck is she doing in that tier? Looool
@DTMelodicMetal Yeah dorm was one of them I hated to see because I had no good options for him. I always use GP against Medusa. Takes a bit to get the combo up but after that she’s a cake walk. With that said guys without a good option really struggle against her. KM is another Medusa killer.
Great points, I forgot about Gwenpool and Killmonger
We've placed my 5/65 duped Sentinel as my BG's main AW boss in tier 4. He usually got 4-5+ kills and has never been soloed, though a super skilled booster took him down with only 1 death using 5/65 Blade.
You know how that goes. For every great defender there’s a few champs that’ll make them look easy no matter how hard you plan your defense. Lol
If we’re talking main AW boss Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight, Dr. Voodoo, Killmonger, Gwenpool, and Morningstar can solo IMIW without boosts. Other champs like Medusa, Crossbones, Elektra, Karnak, Heimdall, and Cap IW also do well against IMIW.
(On our climb up)
war just finished......
OUR 4/55 IM IW boss got 5 kills
whilst my
4/55 sig 80 medusa racked up a whopping 21!!!!!!!!!