Please help me understand Starlord

Hi! I've seen Starlord very well-rated in many posts, usually mentioned as one of the top tech champs. Yet I don't quite see why. I've got several 4* about to me maxed out, which I think are superior: Octopus & power lock, Green Goblin & power drain, even Sentinel has heal block, incinerate...I've got a 4* Starlord gathering dust at 3/5, but I am sure it's my fault. So please I'd really appreciate it if someone gave me the right approach with this champ and confirm it is indeed superior to the ones mentioned before. Thanks!
In the current game meta
Cap IW is good Sl stil has the Best danmged when u hit is over 300 but in no game mode aside of lol wher your danmged is cap at 50k
While this statement is somewhat true,but it doesn't apply to this thread..we have someone who is at a low-mid tier asking for help..for him a duped 4* starlord can be massive..he gets an amazing option for rol,uncollected run,master and UC mode in monthly EQ and war bosses.
And even so,in a game where u have to deal as much damage as possible, a champ which deals more damage than anyone after say 100 hits will never go out of the list of top champs
Takes some effort but avoiding the death field and being able to smash through his regen is so much fun