Which Champ needs the biggest rework
As the title says which champs or champs need the biggest buff or re-work would love to here you thoughts beside the poll
Which Champ needs the biggest rework 44 votes
I also think they should rework either og iron man or superior man since they have the exact same abilities and movesets.
Gamora maybe? Even if they just unlocked her assassinate so it can trigger multiple times in a fight she’d be fine. I could go on for ages why Logan really doesn’t need a buff, but I only posted a comment about that a day or two ago and don’t want to go too far off topic. Ms marvel KK would be a good choice too for a rework.
the one who need it most are magnetos
Some of the champs above are weak, sure, or poorly designed; but only Electro's character design actively punishes players who can play well:
Electro's static shock ability causes energy damage on contact, like a Thorns node. So if you're a more advanced player, good at not getting hit, your skills make this ability almost completely redundant.
If you parry/block your opponents attacks, they take less damage than if they actually hit you, which again punishes effective play.
More punishment of effective gameplay: If you successfully bait out your opponent's Special Attacks, it reduces the critical rate bonus you get from Electro's Signature ability. Not that Diminishing Returns hasn't already taken it's toll, there.
It also wouldn't hurt if the man supposedly made out of electricity was actually able to inflict (or be immune to) shock.
So, let's supercharge Electro!
My thoughts for a rework would be along the lines of:
Static shock rework:
- When struck, Electro inflicts Shock damage based on his Attack (let's say 10%).
- When he successfully blocks an attack, Electro inflicts a bit more Shock damage (let's say 20% of his Attack), which rises on a well-timed block (let's say 40% of his Attack).
New Signature:
Whenever Electro strikes with a critical hit, he has up to a 40% chance (scales with Sig level) to inflict shock causing damage equal to 75% of his Attack over four seconds
New passive effects:
- Electro's heavy attack inflicts Shock damage rather than physical.
- Electro does not suffer any damage from Static shock or from Shock debuffs, instead gaining power proportionate to the damage they would have inflicted.
- Whenever Electro stuns an opponent, he also inflicts a shock debuff of equal duration causing 33% of his attack damage per second for the duration of the stun. This applies both to his Special attacks, and use of the Parry mastery or node-related Stun effects.
- Electro's shock-based Damage (Heavy attacks, Special attacks, static shock and shock debuffs) and his ability accuracy rises by 15% against metal opponents.
There would have to be some balancing changes in his Attack, crit rate, etc; but Electro could be reworked into a character you'd actually choose to take along on your team; rather than just being someone you rank up and let the AI play with on your behalf.