Which Relatively New Hero is Your Favorite?

Which Relatively New Hero is Your Favorite and WHY?
- Omega Red
- Korg
- Ghost
- Domino
- Red Skull
- Wasp
- Killmonger
- Heimdall
- Iron Man (IW)
Don't get me wrong, I love Domino too. I have a maxed 3* Domino, and she is terrific as well,. but Killmonger is a little more fun to play.
Also, no Corvus or Proxima on the list?
Korg has also been the root of plenty of my jokes on the forums.
Korg me???? Korg you!!!
I've only been grinding this game out since April. Seems like each one they come out with seems to out do the last, making them all powerful in some way. I take it you've been grinding for years and don't like how this is upsetting apple cart?
AW is where it is at ,and it doesn't matter what rank your attack team is at if you can clear without deaths .
That being said I have to go with korg simply because he is new.
All it takes is a couple of fights to master a champion.
IMIW is very fun to use and very solid in defence.
KM is awesome as well with true strike and indestructible but I'll go for IMIW as my choice.