Which Relatively New Hero is Your Favorite?

Which Relatively New Hero is Your Favorite and WHY?
  • Omega Red
  • Korg
  • Ghost
  • Domino
  • Red Skull
  • Wasp
  • Killmonger
  • Heimdall
  • Iron Man (IW)


  • KrumbledkookieKrumbledkookie Member Posts: 273
    Well, the only one of these I have above a 3* champ is Killmonger, but he's great. He would likely be my answer even if I had the rest of these. He's fun to play, he does crazy damage, his reverberation is crazy, and he's usable across multiple parts of the game.

    Don't get me wrong, I love Domino too. I have a maxed 3* Domino, and she is terrific as well,. but Killmonger is a little more fun to play.
  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,922 ★★★★★
    Ghost or killmonger. Probably Ghost though, love using my 3* one. Could change though now I’ve pulled a 5* killmonger. Need to play about with him a bit.

    Also, no Corvus or Proxima on the list?
  • JakearoundJakearound Member Posts: 434 ★★★
    I agree with TitoBandito187.
  • issamaf80issamaf80 Member Posts: 1,472 ★★★
    Redskull Fun to play and he become Really Good with Omega Red he become Unstoppable while charging A heavy
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    edited September 2018
    Killmonger and proxima
  • EnderDraco58EnderDraco58 Member Posts: 957 ★★
    By far Korg. Not because he's fun in-game, but because his frequent recurrence in my everyday gameplay has led me to, for some reason, develop the expression "Korg me." I have no idea what it means, it just popped into my head at one point, and it's here to stay.

    Korg has also been the root of plenty of my jokes on the forums.
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    By far Korg. Not because he's fun in-game, but because his frequent recurrence in my everyday gameplay has led me to, for some reason, develop the expression "Korg me." I have no idea what it means, it just popped into my head at one point, and it's here to stay.

    Korg has also been the root of plenty of my jokes on the forums.

    Korg me???? Korg you!!!
  • Lovejoy72Lovejoy72 Member Posts: 1,858 ★★★★
    Killmonger is my current fav, and my profile champ.
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  • IceSouLatioNIceSouLatioN Member Posts: 22
    None - I don't have any and am salty about it.

    I've only been grinding this game out since April. Seems like each one they come out with seems to out do the last, making them all powerful in some way. I take it you've been grinding for years and don't like how this is upsetting apple cart?
  • ZzzZzz Member Posts: 154
    Definitely Corvus=god of AW. And Killmonger.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    corvus - easy diversity flights on the beginning, final fights are like diversity fights in the end. he's like new blade, while blade loses his utility
  • MegaSkater67MegaSkater67 Member Posts: 1,380 ★★★★
    Wasp, now my top champ. Extremely fun to use, great moveset and really good damage. Since her heavy is 2 guaranteed Crits and she can end every combo with it, I’m getting pretty much 10k damage from that alone. That’s without the other 4 hits in the combo. Quite often it’s higher than 10k. Her specials also get 2 guaranteed crits since she shrinks down in both. Very much a glass cannon, but brilliant if used correctly. Very useful for mystics as well, since all of her abilities have an extra 40% effectiveness, including ability accuracy reduction, healing reduction and damage on her sp3 just to name a few. Couldn’t be happier with this champ.
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    He's not there, but, Bishop. Tricky to play, but, one of the best Mystic, Iceman opponent.
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  • SperaSpera Member Posts: 152
    At a certain point (after you have finished all story quests etc..) only thing that matters is aq and aw .. aq is relatively str8 forward and dull
    AW is where it is at ,and it doesn't matter what rank your attack team is at if you can clear without deaths .
    That being said I have to go with korg simply because he is new.
    All it takes is a couple of fights to master a champion.
  • Ajc10Ajc10 Member Posts: 74
    I only have KM and IMIW among that list.
    IMIW is very fun to use and very solid in defence.
    KM is awesome as well with true strike and indestructible but I'll go for IMIW as my choice.
  • Il_JooOIl_JooO Member Posts: 484 ★★
    Domino even if I don't have her
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