I’m sorry but you brought this upon yourselves

Ok hear me out, kabam this is now on you. Now yes now make champs shock immune and you already know which ones should be shock immune
Awesome a new 5* champ but as you always say “balance” now we deserve blance sooooooo
Where is the blance of unavoidable damage here????? Willpower doesn’t work against him

No champ in the game right now can avoid taking damage just by attacking electro
I’m sorry but we as your customers deserve “clarity” here
Please mods I don’t need a earring We your customers don’t need this shut down we need answers
Awesome a new 5* champ but as you always say “balance” now we deserve blance sooooooo
Where is the blance of unavoidable damage here????? Willpower doesn’t work against him

No champ in the game right now can avoid taking damage just by attacking electro
I’m sorry but we as your customers deserve “clarity” here
Please mods I don’t need a earring We your customers don’t need this shut down we need answers
I welcome this fight more than I welcome fighting IMIW.
Maybe Jane Foster
Cold snap willpower works against to lessen the damage
The new death spore willpower doesn’t
Limbo willpower doesn’t
Someone will rank 5 him and place him as war boss
BLANCE THEY PREACH IT but honestly blance isn’t here you know it I know it and any summoner playing for over a year knows it....
They preached more clarity so unless the beta on venom and carnage is a counter there has been no clarity
It’s an addition to wallet wars
Also ability accuracy reduction champs like blade, archangel, crossbones
I have blade BW bones aa all at level 99 yet still take damage
The answer is As Long As I Can Also Use The Unavoidable Damage For My Advantage, I'm All For It. It's why I duped my iceman, dormmamu, magik. Also why I love my x23, blade, wolvie, even GR, so I can offset that.
It's only unfair if you don't have the champs, which many don't, but if they do, then hey, it's on like donkey kong in my book.
Follow the trend over the last 18 months
There use to be real synergy now it’s bs synergy
I’m sorry but everything I mean everything they introduce is pushing me to retirement
3 years and I might just walk it’s not like improving it’s going south
Electro isnt a new defender. How are you upset at a 5* version? Act 5 has like 10 of him. He has counters just every other champ out there.
Who 4/55 or 5/65 Crossbones?
You're probably not using Blade correctly.
It’s okay Kabam doesn’t design champs or make decisions for sole purpose of AW defense.
This is a decision based on game Meta and empirical data since Corvus was added and MD changed.
Also based on summoner feedback from the guy who posted he wanted 5* Electro in beetween the 100 posts asking for SW.