Just absolutely disappointed.

Im not super great at getting 5* crystals. I work my ass off to get them though. I've done what I could and I reached my 20th 5* crystal. Pulling out all the tricks I could to get the shards. Hoping for a science champion. Because I am in dire need of a good one, and I have 4 extra T2 alphas that are about to disappear. I need to rank 4 a science champ because of my T4cc shortage. But low and behold

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
The main thing is that your capacity for al catalysts will increase, most importantly the t2a to 12.
And congrats on that Corvus. He is the MVP of Alliance War now. You've had awesome luck then, with him and that Stark Spidey I see on your profile lol. Punisher 2099 isn't bad. I have him at r3. Not the best, but is fun to play with.