Please help - need to choose 1 before expire

What u think I should do.
for SQ,AQ AW D/O
current team used most:
5* LC 3/45 not awakened
4* Ice 5/50 max sig
4* Hood 4/40 sig 45
4* GP 4/40 sig 14
4* IMIW 4/40 not awakened (but could)
5* yondu 2/35 not awakened
5* hood 2/35 not awakened
T1 alpha -13
T2 alpha -4
T4 basic -8
T4 Science - 3 (14k/36k)
T4 Mutant - 1
T4 Tech - 3
T4 Skill- 2
T4 Cosmic -0
T4 Mystic- 4
4* Generic AG -1
4* AG mutant -2
4* AG cosmic -1
Some 4* stones 30~
Other champs to choose from and focus on:
(4/40 or 2/35 champs that were ranked early but don’t really use except for war)
4* Hulk OG sig 45
5* Thor rag -not awakened
4* BP original sig 48
4* Carnage-not awakened
4* Colossus sig 60
4* HBuster sig 64
(all either 3/30 for 4*s or 2/35 for 5*)
4* Gulk sig 36
4* Thor OG sig 38
4* Domino (not awakened)
4* mephisto (not awakened)
4* Quake (not awakened)
4* cap IW (not awakened)
4* x23 (not awakened)
4* Hawkeye (not awakened)
5* hulk (not awakened)
5* Venom (not awakened)
5* moon knight (not awakened)
5* carnage (not awakened)
4* Angela (not awakened)
4* tht recently pulled:
Scarlet witch
Doc strange
for SQ,AQ AW D/O
current team used most:
5* LC 3/45 not awakened
4* Ice 5/50 max sig
4* Hood 4/40 sig 45
4* GP 4/40 sig 14
4* IMIW 4/40 not awakened (but could)
5* yondu 2/35 not awakened
5* hood 2/35 not awakened
T1 alpha -13
T2 alpha -4
T4 basic -8
T4 Science - 3 (14k/36k)
T4 Mutant - 1
T4 Tech - 3
T4 Skill- 2
T4 Cosmic -0
T4 Mystic- 4
4* Generic AG -1
4* AG mutant -2
4* AG cosmic -1
Some 4* stones 30~
Other champs to choose from and focus on:
(4/40 or 2/35 champs that were ranked early but don’t really use except for war)
4* Hulk OG sig 45
5* Thor rag -not awakened
4* BP original sig 48
4* Carnage-not awakened
4* Colossus sig 60
4* HBuster sig 64
(all either 3/30 for 4*s or 2/35 for 5*)
4* Gulk sig 36
4* Thor OG sig 38
4* Domino (not awakened)
4* mephisto (not awakened)
4* Quake (not awakened)
4* cap IW (not awakened)
4* x23 (not awakened)
4* Hawkeye (not awakened)
5* hulk (not awakened)
5* Venom (not awakened)
5* moon knight (not awakened)
5* carnage (not awakened)
4* Angela (not awakened)
4* tht recently pulled:
Scarlet witch
Doc strange
Please help - need to choose 1 before expire 21 votes
Additional info:
Lvl 56 almost 100% act 4
Working towards uncollected and build a better long term roster.
If u got a decent amount of generic and mystic stones,use the generic gem on SW and throw every stone u have in her..she is one of the best quest champs out there and she will help u a lot in ur next planned progression
I would also R3 yondu...he is a pretty good champ and again will help u in short term
And u can use a mutant gem on domino...will make her an even better defender and also a really good attack option with her built in ability reduction doing extra damage
You can also r5 GP when u get the resources
U got a lot of different options...explore them all and u will be able to make the right call
Thanks a lot!!! seriously very helpful.
Most good Resources are scarce in the game so big rank ups take heavy consideration. I know i will probably get trolled for this comment but i really dislike medusa. I took her to rank 2, will prob take her 3/30 but im hesitant on using the gem on her. I know there isn't many champs that it makes sense to use a cosmic on but i might wait.
I am saving one Mutant for wolvie, which i prob wont ever pull. I have been thinking a lot about Awakening Domino and pushing her to 4/40 maybe even 5/50. I have seen a lot about her getting nerfed but i dont think that will be the case.
I am at a point in the game where 4* are still relevant but i dont want to drain the bank on them.
Everyone has their own preference for a champ but I would still suggest playing around medusa more...she has a lot of return for a very low skill cap...otherwise I would suggest saving ur gem for hype or corvus..that increased buff duration on hype is really good
And domino will probably not be nerfed and is gonna be a pain in the ass defender for quite some time cuz she makes people spend resources which in turn helps the company