Which Mystic characters will Mystic Dispersion still help?

The new Mystic Dispersion has me a little confused. I use Mephisto, Morningstar, Dormammu in AW and Scarlet Witch as an offensive champ. So is Scarlet Witch now the only one who will benefit much from MD? I know GR and Magik will still benefit but I don't have them. Trying to decide if I should reinvest in MD. I had it up to 5.
Do you mean all of the mystic champs in the mystic class. Or do you mean *ALL* of the mystic champs in the mystic class?
Because maybe there's some mystic champs in the mystic class that aren't in the...
...yeah I didn't really understand the question either.
Yeah, it benefits mystics so, idk what the OP was asking really, nothing is different on offense