The Almighty Hyperion



  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,333 ★★★★★
    Wow ... my skill is real poor. I have 5/50 Hyperion and can't clear Spite nodes.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    winterthur wrote: »
    Wow ... my skill is real poor. I have 5/50 Hyperion and can't clear Spite nodes.

    Spite???? Just get heavy attacks and do SP3
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    edited September 2018
    I think Hype will be my next 5/65. Only good new champ I've pulled in months.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,333 ★★★★★
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    winterthur wrote: »
    Wow ... my skill is real poor. I have 5/50 Hyperion and can't clear Spite nodes.

    Spite???? Just get heavy attacks and do SP3

    Then AI reach Sp3 too. I forgot to add safeguard being present.
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  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,333 ★★★★★
    OneManArmy wrote: »

    Safeguard? His s1 will burn them and they are dead way before they reach any s3 if your not insanely terrible at baiting

    I think so. :/
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  • 玩玩玩家玩玩玩家 Member Posts: 441
  • NguyenDauNguyenDau Member Posts: 248
    edited September 2018
    lol i like this thread.. its like watching who like a certain champs best.
    Thx god we all have diff opinion who we like best.
    but saying he is the 1 cosmic champs for att.. hmmm depending on the fights really..

    u have to generate xxx amount of fights with all kind of nodes and diff champs.. then compare the 3 top champs that mentions over and over.. and do fight.

    Then u prob wud get diff result.

    Time of Kill
    Min- max dmg output
    Deal dmg in xxx hits
    Hp left
    dmg deal in xxx sec
    and so on

    If HYP really is the true cosmic in att he shud get number 1 in all kind of situation.

    If u mention LOL Corvus dont count at all due his limited and time of his crit dmg. then many many other champs is way better to finish lol that him.

    The thing about hyp able to reg is awesome. Who doesnt like when a champ can save some potions. - this is a video founded on youtube. Corvus take of a AW r5 5 star medusa 76% of Medusa HP with only 22 hits.. within 36 secs..

    So talking about true number 1 cosmic.... like i said.. depending on fight.. and opinion. But i dont think Hyp will ever match that AW boss fight like Corvus. and reverse.. Corvus wudnt even prob be number 5-6 in LOL best cosmic..
    Hela, Angela, Drax, Proxima wud prob be better used in LOL.

    All in all depending on fights and playstyle and which champs u like to play with =)
    U can do this discussion in each class and u will always get diff answer.. cuz it aint math where 2+2=4

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  • Noob2435Noob2435 Member Posts: 627 ★★★
    Noob2435 wrote: »
    Aleor wrote: »
    Corvus and Medusa aren’t anywhere near Hyperion damage potential lol

    Is that a joke?

    it's clearly true. medusa's damage is capped by 3 furies (duped), Corvus - by 20 hits. my not duped hype can hold 6-8 furies easily, take duped Hype - it will be smth like 10-14 I guess. he is not close to starlord, but better then those two for longer fights for sure

    Maybe he might have them damage wise in long fights, but they smash him in other places. Aw attack: which one of the 3 would you take in? Most would take corvus, you should know that. Aw defense : which out of the 3? Clearly medusa
    AQ: either Corvus or medusa, I'll probably take medusa to shut down all the bots.
    Questing: me personally I don't like having to build up furies with him every match, takes too long. I would rather take in corvus or Medusa, especially medusa just incase I miss a block she can save me.

    Again I'll post this, would love for someone to show me how he is better than those two at what I stated
  • ICE_ICE_BABYICE_ICE_BABY Member Posts: 218
    OneManArmy wrote: »
    So i know hypes already get a lot of love and is widely considered god tier. but i just dont feel its enough, I feel he is the damn best champ in the game, he can do it all. insane dmg on everything. incinerate on s1.. stun and armor break on s2. cosmic charges from s3. his unmatchable power gain. theres also a pretty sweet regen for longer fights. i mean who else does all that!!! anyone not from the mystic class easy fight

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  • edited September 2018
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  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    About the other only real weakness I see for hype besides Morningstar is Medusa on the mirror image node. Didn't think through the implications the first time through.
  • Six_strings6Six_strings6 Member Posts: 223 ★★
    Shrimkins wrote: »
    Noob2435 wrote: »
    Noob2435 wrote: »
    Aleor wrote: »
    Corvus and Medusa aren’t anywhere near Hyperion damage potential lol

    Is that a joke?

    it's clearly true. medusa's damage is capped by 3 furies (duped), Corvus - by 20 hits. my not duped hype can hold 6-8 furies easily, take duped Hype - it will be smth like 10-14 I guess. he is not close to starlord, but better then those two for longer fights for sure

    Maybe he might have them damage wise in long fights, but they smash him in other places. Aw attack: which one of the 3 would you take in? Most would take corvus, you should know that. Aw defense : which out of the 3? Clearly medusa
    AQ: either Corvus or medusa, I'll probably take medusa to shut down all the bots.
    Questing: me personally I don't like having to build up furies with him every match, takes too long. I would rather take in corvus or Medusa, especially medusa just incase I miss a block she can save me.

    Again I'll post this, would love for someone to show me how he is better than those two at what I stated

    AW attack: I'm not denying corvus is great. He is certainly great. I'm saying hyperion doesn't need all those ridiculous boosts to 1 shot an AW boss. I took a 5/65 medusa out in 1 fight with my hyperion just a couple wars ago. No synergies and no boosts. Now I can't do it in 40 seconds buy why does that matter? 1 fight is 1 fight.

    AW defense: pointless for this debate

    AQ: Hyperion can shut down sentinels just as easily as medusa can. Probably even better since sentinels aren't incinerate immune.

    Questing: Hyperion has regen and his power gain gives him significant utility for lots of fights. He has been my all-star for the majority of UC bosses.

    Hyperion's only weakness is some mystic defenders such as mephisto, magik, and morning star, but those champs are problems for medusa and corvus as well.

    AW attack: You don't have to use Boosts for Corvus, but even if you didn't, doesn't matter... because everyone in high tiers boost up no matter who they are playing with in AW.

    AW defense: I'm am astonished you think Hyperion is better than Medusa on Defense. Not sure what Tier you are in, but in High Tier AW, Medusa easily gets WAY more kills than Hyperion ever can. Power Gain is nothing difficult a

    AQ: Hyperion can shut down sentinels just as easily as medusa can. Probably even better since sentinels aren't incinerate immune.

    Questing: Hyperion has regen and his power gain gives him significant utility for lots of fights. He has been my all-star for the majority of UC bosses.
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Hyperion is the best plain and simple. Of course there are one or 2 nodes another champ is better. Still hyperion #1 by far.

    Intercepting and parry is not difficult but why do it if you dont have to 😂

    For example. I stun immune node with degen or electro just to mention: guess what Hyperion. Hyperion can clear even LOL electro.

    The corvus hype is alright because of IMIW who can be defeated with any champ.

    My SL beats him just force him to do heavies and counter heavy. Not rocket science.

    Medusa is mehhh. Way too many hits and contact tapping. I just sit back and spam specials until the enemy is dead. Dont have to do a thing.

    So you say Intercepting/Parrying isn't hard, but you pefer to spam Specials instead. So you are saying that Hype is the best cosmic, because he fits you're play Style??? Hahaha. Dude, I'm glad you enjoy his play style, I enjoy it too, but that doesn't make him the #1 Cosmic by any means. And Hype isn't better than any regular champ for Electro dude, don't know where you are going there. And the fact that you think Medusa is a "Meh Champion"... is quite absurd too.

    This is the same guy that thinks Morningstar is trash
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