Should there be Alliance Energy Refills

I think Alliance Quests and War energy refill should be applied to MCOC. There are many times when I have run out of energy in aq and aw when, for example, I am needed to take down a node to clear up another person. However with only one hour left in the event it is impossible for me to get enough energy in time and therefore my alliance looses out on some great rewards because we get screwed due to energy. An alliance quest and war energy refill could eradicate this problem. Do u agree?

Should there be Alliance Energy Refills 16 votes

Yes definitely
DL864Shynight00JCPer14SpiderCoolsChineseChampion868FhfjghhggggjfhfjgEtjama 7 votes
No It's no needed
winterthurstakAddyosSavio444dinz80Quatre_1988ChampioncriticTheSquish671Bdavis_2017 9 votes


  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,329 ★★★★★
    No It's no needed
    Game developer is trying to give Summoners a life outside the game.
  • DL864DL864 Member Posts: 1,089 ★★★
    Yes definitely
    It will only cost you 400 units and give you 3 energy😉
  • ChineseChampion868ChineseChampion868 Member Posts: 113
    Yes definitely
    @DL864 dude I totally agree wit u
  • ThreedeadkingsThreedeadkings Member Posts: 97
    My advice is try not to leave it so late into the game. I’m cognizant everybody is busy with their schedules, and different time zones may compound the issue . My advice is try and encourage all your ally mates to login consistently every 5-6 hours. You should have sufficient energies to clear paths with plenty time to spare to finish the content if your ally mates do it diligently.

    I wouldn’t agree on energy refill because I’ll debate that the managing timer is supposedly one part of this game content (ie AQ and AW). It is potentially something Kabam can explore but I guess it will not be a priority because they would have sufficient data showing there’s literally no issue at all for summoners clearing hardest maps (ie AQ6) under 24 hours
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