Cornflakes killers recruiting

Not sure how to describe our alliance. We’re a mixed bag of mostly veteran players from all over the world (or around the world if you buy into that round Earth gibberish). Some of us are laid back, and some wound tighter than...tighter than...ummm...I can’t think of anything that won’t offend someone, somewhere.
We run two groups of map 4 and one of map 3 for anyone feeling the need to take a break, a vacation, or reacquaint themselves with the real world for a bit. We run two groups for war, leaving the third for peace, love, and goodwill towards others.
Although we’re not one of those hardcore alliances, we are looking to fill a couple vacancies with people who contribute their fair share in alliance events, alliance quests, and wars (when they choose not to be peaceful, loving, and goodwilling??? towards others.
If you think you fit the bill, look us up in Line (yes we require the Line app...communication is key to happy relationships, and plotting the demise of your enemies). Send a message in Line to jammjimm, dcoyintx, or trax7042 including your game ID so we can judge you.
Oh yeah. Our alliance is cornflake killers...tag is flks if you want to have a look and doing a little judging yourself. You should probably have a look before messaging, so you have a sense of what you’re looking to get into. If you jump the gun and join up without also getting hooked up in Line, it won’t end well. We’re serious about Line. Not just for communication, but because I’m old and it’s only a matter of time before I break a hip and need help getting up...and I’m too cheap to pay for Lifeline.
We run two groups of map 4 and one of map 3 for anyone feeling the need to take a break, a vacation, or reacquaint themselves with the real world for a bit. We run two groups for war, leaving the third for peace, love, and goodwill towards others.
Although we’re not one of those hardcore alliances, we are looking to fill a couple vacancies with people who contribute their fair share in alliance events, alliance quests, and wars (when they choose not to be peaceful, loving, and goodwilling??? towards others.
If you think you fit the bill, look us up in Line (yes we require the Line app...communication is key to happy relationships, and plotting the demise of your enemies). Send a message in Line to jammjimm, dcoyintx, or trax7042 including your game ID so we can judge you.
Oh yeah. Our alliance is cornflake killers...tag is flks if you want to have a look and doing a little judging yourself. You should probably have a look before messaging, so you have a sense of what you’re looking to get into. If you jump the gun and join up without also getting hooked up in Line, it won’t end well. We’re serious about Line. Not just for communication, but because I’m old and it’s only a matter of time before I break a hip and need help getting up...and I’m too cheap to pay for Lifeline.