Potential rewards

Can I please have a how to list of the information on how to get potential rewards, specifically how to get the Premium Hero Crystal, from quest. I've looked online, YouTube, and now asking the source. Please help feel like I'm really missing out on great prizes.
It's completely random. I think I have gotten one once and that was probably two years ago already.
I have to disagree with your position. I have won many easy fights right off the bat using parry, medium, light, light, light, medium. I do not get the same rewards doing that every time even if I am facing the same opponent on the same quest. That tells me that it has to truly be a random component in the code for the game.
Even assuming that you are right, there is no way that Kabam will release that information.
Explain your logic please
He means that Kabam has been very quiet regarding a lot of the aspects of the game. Look at prestige for instance. Most of what we know involving prestige has come from other players who figured it out. Look at people who get banned. Whenever stuff if reported about potential hackers on here it is the same message from Kabam every time: to paraphrase it, please do not post this to the forums, we are looking into it, we cannot tell you what our investigation finds.
Random number game