Something should be done about Night Crawler in Alliance War.

Just to be clear, I don't think anything should be nerfed in Night Crawler's abilities or stats. He shouldn't change for players at all.
The problem is that the AI in the game can play Night Crawler like I could never dream of playing him. I'm seeing him used as a boss and subboss in Alliance War all the time, and he's difficult in a way that no other character is. It feels like we're getting closer and closer to everyone always using Night Crawler as the boss in war.
Yes, I know there are strategies for dealing with him. I've seen the video on youtube of someone forcing him out of that mode so he doesn't evade so much. It's just not a reliable strategy.
The problem isn't that he's overpowered, the problem is that the AI can play him much better than the AI can play other characters. That feels like AI cheating. The AI shouldn't be able to anticipate better than a human.
The problem is that the AI in the game can play Night Crawler like I could never dream of playing him. I'm seeing him used as a boss and subboss in Alliance War all the time, and he's difficult in a way that no other character is. It feels like we're getting closer and closer to everyone always using Night Crawler as the boss in war.
Yes, I know there are strategies for dealing with him. I've seen the video on youtube of someone forcing him out of that mode so he doesn't evade so much. It's just not a reliable strategy.
The problem isn't that he's overpowered, the problem is that the AI can play him much better than the AI can play other characters. That feels like AI cheating. The AI shouldn't be able to anticipate better than a human.
I know it is cliche but practice makes perfect. The only reliable way of beating him as a miniboss or boss is to get him to switch into swashbuckling mode. As you said there are videos out there that teach you how to do it. Keep practicing, it is not easy and to be honest you cannot always get him switched on your first try in a match either. Sometimes it takes a few tries in the match itself to switch him. But once he is switched he is so easy.
And remember the AI is just as tough on your opponent as it is on you.
You can simulate it rather easy though by dueling a max ranked NC with a 3*. It's a tough fight that will test your skills and ability to switch his modes.
To play with worse when played AI
If you can't beat him like that... master the stance swapping thingymajigger.
The thing is... too many people have figured out how to beat him, kabam wont see it as a problem.
If you have Black Widow, Crossbones, Elektra, Doctor Voodoo then...
Yes he does still evade-hit. I can't record it as I use an iPhone but if you attempt an intercept and NC (or anything with auto evade including all LoL opponents) evades it you'll get hit as he evades.
I tend to agree. However I also agree that the AI is quite extreme. I had him still Evade after switching to Swashbuckler this week. As you said, practice is key. I also see the OP's side because AI has been overly-ninja lately.