Hyperion or corvus glaive

I have the materials to take one cosmic from r1 to r5 and one to r4, but I'm not sure which of these 2 would be a better option for r5(i don't have either yet, gonna grind arena).
Who should i upgrade? Or should i grind for both of them then decide?
Right now I'm trying to explore master mode EQ without using boosts, and a bit of act 5 when i feel like it.(at 5.1.6 currently)
Also regarding the 4* basic, how many units does it cost to refresh a champion? And does the cost increase based on the champions rank? I've never refreshed champs before in arena, not even with those stamina refills given in the beginner calendar, so there unit cost to refresh isn't stated there.
Who should i upgrade? Or should i grind for both of them then decide?
Right now I'm trying to explore master mode EQ without using boosts, and a bit of act 5 when i feel like it.(at 5.1.6 currently)
Also regarding the 4* basic, how many units does it cost to refresh a champion? And does the cost increase based on the champions rank? I've never refreshed champs before in arena, not even with those stamina refills given in the beginner calendar, so there unit cost to refresh isn't stated there.
This is coming from someone with a 4/55 Hyperion and a 5/50 Corvus. I used corvus to help explore act 5 and mainly used him in 5.2.6 against the collector, building his charges were painful but when he is at 3 charges he is by far one of the best options for the collector. He is also a decent counter to Emma frost, but will do just fine vs Master mode version at 4/40.
If your goal was a decent war attacker I would definitely say go with Corvus, as I still use my 5/50 in t4/5 AW.
Overall for what you are looking to achieve, Hyperions damage, power gain, DOT and poison immunity are much more useful.
Also just to clarify @Crazyjack719 i have already 100% this month's master mode, so i don't need an emma counter, but I'll most likely use corvus in war.
r4 both and test them in new master/uncollected.
also can try hype solo vs rol ws and then bring him with capiw with cosmic sinergies, should be smth like duped hype sig 1 I guess
I’ve been fortunate enough to take up both Corvus and Hyperion as a 5* to 4/55 and the 4* ones to 5/50. After testing for a few months, Hyperion would be my advice for sustainability as a first rank up. Corvus is pretty great for short burst fights but as the other summoners have mentioned, Hyp would be better suited for more end game content.
Regarding the grind, I think you should try to grind for both champs. 3.1M each should be enough points in the basic arena. Regarding arena and refreshing, i have a few guides on YT under Geek arts gaming. In gist,
1. Any single 3* or 4* refresh costs 5 units per champ.
2. Any team therefore cost 15 units in the 3* and 4* basic arenas.
3. Any 5/50 team = roughly 36k points without boosts
4. Therefore 15 units = 36k points without boosts
5. 3.1M / 36k = 86 rounds of refreshing.
6. 86 rounds = 1200 units roughly.
7. If you were to boost (especially using greater champ boosts from the 5* arenas), those numbers would change significantly. (Roughly around 75k points per team / 75k per 15 units. That’s around 41 rounds for 3.1M points @ 620 units)
Lastly, Don’t spend all your t4cc and t4b right away on 4* champs. Take both up to rank 3.. test and see who you like best, then take that one up to 5/50 and save the resources in case you get lucky with a 5* pull.
Actually the equation of 1200 units is based on refreshing 5/50s without boosts until you get to 3m points only and not actually grinding out your roster over a 3 day period. You can do it for free if you grind all 3 days without refreshing.