Stark Spiderman Evades while he is stunned and AI is offline

How is that even possible? he is stunned and AI is offline yet he evades the first attack??
Note:Unawakened and he was around 80%hp
Note:Unawakened and he was around 80%hp
I should have added that the post
so that 3% chance removes the stun and helps him evade? wow
If I had a slightest idea that could happen to a stunned hero, I definitely would have captured it
Unless of course, someone posts a video of it actually happening
course he was stunned,(parry stun)why would I make something up like this?Its not like I am saying that I got a 6* hero from a PHC
Considering the rest of the fight,opponent didnt have full points on limber mastery as well
That makes totally NO SENSE. But hey that's Kabam.
(Morale of the story: Evade shouldn't happen when stunned.)