Deep Wounds Doesn't Strike Down 1% Max Health Anymore

I could see a text in red ,every time I inflict bleed that takes away around 1000 health immediately when fighting a boss or a hero with massive HP
After the update I only see the base bleed damage going down per tick
Could anyone else with deep wounds mastery check this?I did check it but I doubt I missed it every single time
Correction:Ok it did reduce 1% max health against a regular hero on the map but definitely not working on the boss...Are bosses immune to this or at least is Emma immune to this mastery??
After the update I only see the base bleed damage going down per tick
Could anyone else with deep wounds mastery check this?I did check it but I doubt I missed it every single time
Correction:Ok it did reduce 1% max health against a regular hero on the map but definitely not working on the boss...Are bosses immune to this or at least is Emma immune to this mastery??
And I mean HP, not % of HP
ahhhh thanks,damn me
now I saw 1027bleed damage coming out of emma towards the end of fight:))