Science rank up

AEG93AEG93 Member Posts: 69
Well, I have 3 t4 science catalysts, and I'm wondering if I should rank up one of these characters, or I should wait for Quake or WWII Cap (who i might never get). I have:

Electro SL 55
Spiderman Morales SL 30
OG Captain America unduped

Mi other r5's are Guillotine, Magik, Crossbones, Ultron, Ms Marvel, and Wolverine


  • JOHNOSA1995JOHNOSA1995 Member Posts: 536 ★★
    Quake was in arena and ww2 in arena soon wait for him
  • BuckeyeKPBuckeyeKP Member Posts: 693 ★★
    I would wait. OG Cap is not as good as WW2 and Spidey and Electro are primarily used as defenders. Electro is kind of a one-trick pony in AW and most people have a counter to him now. 550 Miles could be very tough in defense and you look pretty well set for offense. Any 5* science duped?
  • Rynot916Rynot916 Member Posts: 30
    It also could depend on the needs of your alliance. If your alliance is in need of a really strong defender or boss than Miles Morales might be a decent choice. If you aren't hurting in that area then I agree with Buckeye and say wait for the cap WW2 arena which is sometime in July I believe and maybe make a push for that.
  • AEG93AEG93 Member Posts: 69
    No Buckeye, my only 5* science is unduped antman. The thing is that I don't have too much time to grind arenas, I think I would not be able to go over 2.5-3 million, and I don't think it will be enough for WW2.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,332 ★★★★★
    edited May 2017
    Is there anyway to find out whether WW2 can be pulled from a 4☆ crystal (perhaps a more realistic option)?

    If I understand correctly, you are taking the Champ to rank 5.
  • AEG93AEG93 Member Posts: 69
    Yes, I can take one science champ to rank 5, and my options are the three champs I wrote in the first post, or wait till I open a WW2, Quake or YJ.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,332 ★★★★★
    Then I think the forum 'consensus' is to wait.
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