How will you rate the November events??

Well, the list is out for the rewards of the November events, community milestones. So, the question is how you would rate them??
How will you rate the November events?? 216 votes
And about community milestones I think it will act like a nice boost you get only by winning the fights.
Not sure how it will affect the endgame players.
October was awesome for champion progression but if you swallowed the BS from the early opinions and didn’t play you missed out.
For events like these, you can always judge them based on the announcement as the rewards are shown to us, if anything the actual event might be even worse than what we see in the announcement because we consider the rewards for when we explore master and Uncollected 100% every single day, which is simply not possible for everyone.
Rewards are average but the event was not sold as that and should not be that given that it’s the culmination of the year F4 event.
The message for Kabam is you shouldn’t create special hype around an average event. If an event is supposed to be a memorable moment in the game then make it so. Trying to play in the middle of protecting the status quo and have memorable months is what created the endgame fiasco and now we have this fiasco.
The event itself gave only 1 T2A, not even a full one. The rest we got from the objectives (which I didn't complain about, they were good). 9000 T5B isn't much for a whole month of grinding.
As for the T4B, I guess I did leave those out, apologies for that. But I still feel that there is enough T4B to go around, the focus of an event shouldn't be on T4B. Plus, it's not an insane amount or anything, just average. Overall, I'd still stand by my statement that this event was not worth my time.
2) It does give a t2a, 1500 shards * 25 = 37,600, it takes 36k shards for a full....
3) again we are comparing events, event still you are not going to get that much t5b without either cash or a relatively high AW score, which generally costs potions.
Again this event was the best event for rewards hands down. The full t2a or the t5b shards alone would be enough to make it so, add int he 1k units the 5* shards the community has been clamoring for, as well as all the other stuff and hands down.
So no matter if we have one very vocal member on here (arguing just to argue) saying they are great, I think kabam has a pretty wide gamut of feedback already on how players really feel about it.