Continue Carina's Mission in the Battlerealm in Act 6 Chapter 3!



  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    Isnt that just the chance of applying armor breaks or does that affect the damage
    That affects the damage. It was a 90% reduction in armor before. Now it's 20%
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    It's a 25% chance to proc on mediums
  • edited November 2019
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  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Just garbage way to deal with a boost y’all make. Let a select few take advantage of it, then the rest get it the harder way. Smh
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  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    zeezee57 said:

    I'm glad to see that legends runs will be gauged separately with the boost and without because that's a major thing, but how about the insane advantage a select number of players have gained in terms of items needed and access to rewards the rest of us won't have? I get changing it, just rubs me the wrong way that yet again (V1) a select set of players gets massive unfair advantage over everyone else. Again I understand the position you guys are in since its clearly not working as intended but knowing the units I'll need to put out clearing 6.3 that you guys let other people avoid is bothersome considering it's being said it functioned that way in the beta too and was left that way until now.

    Nailed it on the head. The issue here is people were allowed to get ahead while others get to struggle or at the very least try way harder to get rewards that these people already attained. Not only are they now ahead on content but also on rewards which obviously go hand in hand.

    In my opinion I would have left it as is for the entire duration of legends times.

  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,257 ★★★★★
    I'm honestly just mad I missed it and now I'll have to spend more units to complete it. I don't watch other youtubers as much as I used to.
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    That Acid Wash Mysterio, which is the worst fight in the whole act IMO, is sooo much harder after the nerf.
  • TheTalentsTheTalents Member Posts: 2,257 ★★★★★

    That Acid Wash Mysterio, which is the worst fight in the whole act IMO, is sooo much harder after the nerf.

    I agree the difficulty is there bu the design is still better than 6.2. Kabam if you're reading please take the gates off of 6.2. It will go along way the community.
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  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    Are there any other counters to Acid Wash Mysterio? Surely the fight can't be designed for just 2 champs, one of which is really new?

    Seems to be the case
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    Are there any other counters to Acid Wash Mysterio? Surely the fight can't be designed for just 2 champs, one of which is really new?

    Which two champs? Pictures of the all the buffs?
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Jaded said:

    Which two champs? Pictures of the all the buffs?
    King groot and Man Thing

    Acid wash mysterio. Mysterio is poison immune whith his helmet up so you have to armor break or knock down with a spider verse champ. Have to be able to poison to do damage with acid wash.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    King groot and Man Thing

    Acid wash mysterio. Mysterio is poison immune whith his helmet up so you have to armor break or knock down with a spider verse champ. Have to be able to poison to do damage with acid wash.
    No force of will node?

    Then what about aa?
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Jaded said:

    Which two champs? Pictures of the all the buffs?
    King groot and Man Thing

    Acid wash mysterio. Mysterio is poison immune whith his helmet up so you have to armor break or knock down with a spider verse champ. Have to be able to poison to do damage with acid wash.
    Jaded said:

    No force of will node?

    Then what about aa?
    Hes immune to AAR
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    And youd never be able to poison him with AA bc you cant get his helmet down
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    You have to armor break or spider verse knock down first before you can place a poison on him
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Ah yes. They are quick to remove the benefits of a certain boost but leave in acid wash mysterio. Makes sense.

    Let’s go king groot ftw.
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  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    They should definitely revisit that Acid Wash Mysterio .. may be after 13 December so legend runs are not affected.

    Yeah that's worse than 6.2.2 sinister lol. At least the sinister counters were actually good champs
  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    Would a rank 3 KG with suicides take down mysterio within 300 hits? Also has anyone tried aegon and see how many hits it will take for that acid wash mysterio?
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★

    Would a rank 3 KG with suicides take down mysterio within 300 hits? Also has anyone tried aegon and see how many hits it will take for that acid wash mysterio?

    With his health pool it’ll be more like 2k hits with r3 kg.
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  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    SL might be quicker. 5* r4 average LOL fight was around 300 hits ..

    Wonder how Proxima will do... mine isn't awakened though
    I was thinking aegon mainly cuz I can ramp him up before mysterio, he can remove the poison and even if I die I dont have to start over(also I have an aegon and not a starlord lol)
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  • TehsigzorzTehsigzorz Member Posts: 1,233 ★★★★
    Haji_Saab said:

    You only get poisoned if you get hit but yea Aegon is easier to ramp up
    Doesnt he have the node where if you dont bait out specials fast enough then you get a poison?
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  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    I have a 6* KG but I'm guessing a r5 corvus with full cosmic boosts will be much quicker.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★

    I have a 6* KG but I'm guessing a r5 corvus with full cosmic boosts will be much quicker.

    Why would cosmic boosts help you? The power you get back from the power boosts is based on percentage of their health you damage. With that damage reduction from acid wash youd get essentially nothing back
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