Do cyber Monday offers update as titles change this weekend (i.e. from uncollected to cavalier)?

I feel like this must have been addressed but it's such a burning question for me and I can't find the answer so I hope the question is still helpful to others. I am uncollected now. If I become cavalier before Monday will the remaining unit offers I haven't purchased change to the cavalier offers? This question would apply to any relevant title change. I'm not asking if I buy all the uncollected offers if I can then become cavalier and buy those offers too. I'm asking, as an example, if I buy one odins vault deal as uncollected and become cavalier can I then buy the other two for the cavalier bonuses? Is it possible to write support and have the deals updated upon title change if it is not automatic? For me it would make a HUGE difference in how much I spend this weekend and I'm guessing that's true for a lot of people. Long time player but this is my first post so please be gentle and happy holidays everyone.
The second answer says you will get the cav or whatever lvl you jump to during, but won’t be this way in the future.
Just got Cavalier. Restarted the game and offers in unit store changed.
1) if you bought, say, 1-3 Odins Chests before becoming Cavalier, does the new offer allow you to only buy the difference (2-0) or does it reset to 3?
2) the Unit spending offer that you get via ingame e-mail - do you get another one of those? Can you take advantage of both?