Variant 2 Reverse Healing Issue?

JiffrayJiffray Member Posts: 7
Hi all

Apologies if it's just me being a mong but is there a bug/issue on Variant 2? I'm trying to clear the aggressive regen path on 2.3 and I'm finding that neither 5* Void or CAIW are working properly from what I can gather? (both duped and at high Sig. CAIW is Sig 200 with a tech on my team).

Sometimes I get Fear of the Void on and there's no regen reverse even if they're at many stacks. CAIW sometimes degens them but then stops. Youtube shows a few people using a 3* CAIW, 3 or 4 parries and the CPU melts away. I'm getting 4 or 5 stacks of petrify and it's not doing a lot (maxed in my masteries too).

Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong?



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