Looking for map 4 players

I'm currently running 3 bgs in AQ. 2 map 4s and 1 map 5. Looking for 2-3 map 4 players.
-70m AQ weekly score
-silver 3/gold 1 AW we run 2 battle groups(non mandatory)
-currently have the boss killers for the groups I'm looking to add new members to so no pressure.
-If you have something going on in real life, you wont be pressured to come online, just let us know
Add me on line app. iammeat
-70m AQ weekly score
-silver 3/gold 1 AW we run 2 battle groups(non mandatory)
-currently have the boss killers for the groups I'm looking to add new members to so no pressure.
-If you have something going on in real life, you wont be pressured to come online, just let us know
Add me on line app. iammeat