Abyss compensation?

So I did the first path on February 6th and I was wondering if I will get the compensation or if they had already fixed captain marvel. I forget if she was still bugged then can anyone answer this. Thank you!
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BUT why not just give me 650 units rather than items... I have no content to do and maxed on items, so these will just expire in a few weeks and be wasted.!!!!
Not only who did 100% , even who did 1 or 2 paths.
Out like candy. Is almost fraud!
This is not cool. EVERYONE who faced her suffered. If she was as easy then as she is now everyone would have brought a Mystic to face her. But because of the bug Mystics weren’t great against her so people used other champs. How is this hard to comprehend?
This is me being constructive: everyone who faced her 1x needs this compensation no matter who they used. Everyone who faced her 2x should receive double, per many people’s feedback. And it should be sent in the mail with a 150 day time limit so it doesn’t just expire.