Which champ should I level up after exploring act 5 and why?

Hey guys,
I've just explored act 5(eventually
Here's my 5 stars top roster:

My plan now is to complete/explore variants and after that start act 6.
Who do u think I should take to level 5 from these champs
In addition, I also got new 5* generic gem.
Do u think I should use it yet? I thought to keep it cause no one is pretty justify it right now IMO..
I know I could awaken caiw but I had to choose between him and void cause I had only 150 sig stones for both of them.
So, what are you saying guys? Pls help me..
I've just explored act 5(eventually

Here's my 5 stars top roster:

My plan now is to complete/explore variants and after that start act 6.
Who do u think I should take to level 5 from these champs
In addition, I also got new 5* generic gem.
Do u think I should use it yet? I thought to keep it cause no one is pretty justify it right now IMO..
I know I could awaken caiw but I had to choose between him and void cause I had only 150 sig stones for both of them.
So, what are you saying guys? Pls help me..
Which champ should I level up after exploring act 5 and why? 16 votes
Save the gem.
But as u said, if I cab play quake well(which I do), it doesnt really matter if she's level 4 or 5. It's the same utility. The only different is that I would need 3-4 more stun rounds(when concussion timeout finished) to beat an enemy if she's stays on 4th level.
But on the other hand, CMV is a huge damage dealer, and it could be the difference between beat the opponent on a boost attack till it's sp3, or not.
Is it make sense?