Hawkeye L3

Hawkeye's L3 isn't useful. Cool idea would be to add bleed or incinerate to his L3 (not that I use it, but shouldn't it have that anyways?), and add a cryo arrow to his L2. Let my boy Clint get in on the frostbite action!


  • H3LLSHOW247H3LLSHOW247 Member Posts: 151
    Switching arrow types would be appropiate for Hawkeye. His L3 should definitely get a DOT (Damage over time) effect which should be incinerate.
  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    I think it would be great if he could switch arrow types just like winter soldier switches ammo types. 4 different arrow types: causing bleed, shock, frostbites, incinerate. Sp1 arrow keeps its power drain no matter what type it is. Signature ability is changed and instead of only bleed he can cause a long duration incinerate, shock, or that thing iceman has when he is awakened (can't remember the name of it). All arrow type debuffs are going to cause approximately the same damage as his bleed. Arrow types are switched by dashing back and holding block for 1.5 seconds

    Might as well just name him Green Arrow Lol.
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  • MannysmokerMannysmoker Member Posts: 327
    he should have a switch type system like WS, in all his specials, like ice, fire, stun and other stuff...
  • Run477Run477 Member Posts: 1,391 ★★★
    F4k3_GaM3r wrote: »
    I've never past an l1 on a Hawkeye .. no use for other specials

    I agree. Unless u are facing rhino where u don't want a power drain, not sure why anyone is talking about going past Hawkeye's l1
  • GarbagePandaGarbagePanda Member Posts: 46
    Run477 wrote: »

    I agree. Unless u are facing rhino where u don't want a power drain, not sure why anyone is talking about going past Hawkeye's l1

    Let's say you get the L1, get almost to an L2 so you have a second one basically ready, and then you accidentally get hit in the face. Now you have to use an L2. There's a scenario for you. If his L2 and L3 were more useful, maybe we'd use them. Hence the post.
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