Hawkeye L3

Hawkeye's L3 isn't useful. Cool idea would be to add bleed or incinerate to his L3 (not that I use it, but shouldn't it have that anyways?), and add a cryo arrow to his L2. Let my boy Clint get in on the frostbite action!
Might as well just name him Green Arrow Lol.
I agree. Unless u are facing rhino where u don't want a power drain, not sure why anyone is talking about going past Hawkeye's l1
Let's say you get the L1, get almost to an L2 so you have a second one basically ready, and then you accidentally get hit in the face. Now you have to use an L2. There's a scenario for you. If his L2 and L3 were more useful, maybe we'd use them. Hence the post.