I've got some good options. Whats the best in your opinion?

What are you guys and gals doing next with this account? I'm not running suicides so taking Omega to rank 5 is not so illustrious. Pulled a double Sunspot on the July 4th offers so that's tempting to get him up to rank 5, love the damage possibilities. And then theres Magneto who I can also rank 5. Really need a tech champ to get CAIW his petrify all the time. Have to choose between Stark and Guiotinne 2099. See the roster and let me know what you're doing. Trying to focus on Act 6 and near endgame content. Thank you
I've got some good options. Whats the best in your opinion? 25 votes
Rank 5 Stark, all those Cosmic/Tech crystals aren't going to get you Ghost or Warlock any time soon.
Rank 5 Gully, even though you already have a R5 Aegon, she's got a ton of utility in Act 6.