Changing the rules

Ok, first, I'm not one to demand rank down tickets for every update. Now that that preface is out of the way:
You guys put out there with fairly conclusive terms that defender diversity was going to be alliance wide. Even after the release of the new war content and scoring for diversity was done per group and not alliance wide, we were told this was a mistake and would be corrected.
Today we get the news that diversity will remain per battle group and not be scored as an alliance whole. Fine, whatever you guys want, it's your game score it as you wish. The trouble with this is that a lot of people, myself included, have ranked up the most worthless trash champs in the game because you told us we were going to be scored as an alliance and not by groups. Translation: Rank this trash up or loose wars by the slimmest of margins.
We need the option to rank these champs we just took up back down. It's hardly far to tell us get ready for a particular diversity scoring table then change the rules weeks after everyone has prepared for it. It's just not a fair model to follow, and I hope you guys do the right thing.
You guys put out there with fairly conclusive terms that defender diversity was going to be alliance wide. Even after the release of the new war content and scoring for diversity was done per group and not alliance wide, we were told this was a mistake and would be corrected.
Today we get the news that diversity will remain per battle group and not be scored as an alliance whole. Fine, whatever you guys want, it's your game score it as you wish. The trouble with this is that a lot of people, myself included, have ranked up the most worthless trash champs in the game because you told us we were going to be scored as an alliance and not by groups. Translation: Rank this trash up or loose wars by the slimmest of margins.
We need the option to rank these champs we just took up back down. It's hardly far to tell us get ready for a particular diversity scoring table then change the rules weeks after everyone has prepared for it. It's just not a fair model to follow, and I hope you guys do the right thing.
Again, the decision was made. And made very public right here on these forums. It was stated my @kabammiike that scoring by group was a mistake and would be fixed.
Many of you may have also noticed that Defender Diversity is not taking the entire Alliance’s placed Defenders into account, and is only counting each Battlegroup. This is not intentional, and will be fixed as soon as we can.
Can't fault this on me or anyone else that did the same. Enjoy being a troll but no Ammon t of trolling will change what he said.
If resources are so valuable to you, you should focus on ranking up champions who are good in both attack AND defense.
Which tends to be the argument as to why RDT's shouldn't ever happen.
I think if they were throwing "stuff" at a wall, none of us would mind. This issue is that they are throwing "stuff" at us and it stinks and creates a mess.
Uhhhh no the OP listened to kabam and believed they were gonna do what they said, that is his only fault.
Well, currently no need to regen at all, as force-closing apparently has no negatives until 15.1. Now, after closing takes half-health, and people rank regenners for that, then... =P
But the main point is to not rush into things, especially volatile situations. Especially when they say it will be an iterative, on-going process of adjustments. That means stuff WILL change, and there's no excuse for not waiting until the dust settles to see what the end result is before ranking up.
Now, enough with RDTs, back to demanding the return of Defender Kill Points! Which will hopefully be in 15.2, if not earlier.
Rank UP tickets! heck yeah. Then we don't even have to rank down the others
I just ranked up Abom and Medusa for diversity throughout the whole alliance. I wouldn't have used these resources if Kabam wouldn't have said that it was supposed to be throughout the alliance. That was clearly told to us by the company and then they changed their minds but left us in the position where if we didn't we would lose wars.
Kabam needs to give 3 rank down tickets minimum to everyone due to their communication to the community. You can't say it will be one thing and then change it a week later after everyone ranks up people based off of your communication to us!
If your argument it you follow the forums and based choices off what Miike said than you should have seen other important comments he made and one that suggested that with new changes still coming our champs that we may think are useless now could easily be our favorites again.
Clearly my understanding of beta testing has been wrong for years. All this time I didn't realize beta testing was done in a live version of a game with lasting consequences.
Exactly the opposite, I did listen.
By this logic, it's never ok to rank anything, it may change some day.
It's never been said verbatim that this was not going to be patched, so actually no I'd never expect a rank down ticket for that. However, it was said verbatim the the diversity scoring was broken and was in the process of being fixed.
Sarcasm tends to go beyond some people
Yes and kabam mislead people (not on purpose im assuming) but stating multiple times it would be alliance wide and would be fixed as such. So people didnt chose to rank up champs because they wantsd to they chose to rank them up to be useful for diversity which is no longer true because kabam has changed there mind from what they said a week ago. And i havent seen anyone anywhere say they preferred it bg wide, where are people asking for this?