And if u notice b4 I got that special at the end I was still tapping for an attack and he didn't do it so I used the special. Just btw @Kabam Miike@Kabam Wolf
@Affliction , Just from the numerous posts I've been reading and started myself, the response time, failure to respond at all, and conflicting responses are not only odd but shocking to say the least. Giving credit where credit is do, I can understand that the job of moderators can't be easy, nor do we know what protocols they have to adhere to before taking any action or providing a response.
I made a post that described this type of non-disclosure of their protocols and lack of openess only leads to further miscommunications and builds animosity and resentment within the community. It's almost as if their stance is "we're not very concerned about the communities dissatisfactions". Pretty disheartening to say the least.
@MadMarks . Yep. That's what I got, brand new Galaxy S8+. And thx again @WOK ! Appreciate the support! After 2 years of playing the only mobile game I've ever continued to play, I've never had such difficulties with these characters like this. Yeah, sometimes they were temperamental. Sometimes would heavy attack when ur tapping and stuff. But it's just been getting worse, worse, and worse! When the one thing that the entire game is based around never wants to work properly, its not fun anymore.
@Affliction , no need to thank me, but it is appreciated. ;-) And I wholeheartedly agree that all the nonsense with bugs/glitches, changes, changes made to changes, followed by more bugs/and glitches with false or contradicting announcements of fixes has sucked every ounce of fun from the game. I played 6 days a week for over 2yrs because it was still fun but in the past month, missed enough days to not get the last login, havent played an arena match, and only completion of heroic EQ, when Normally I would be 100% through master by now.
I actually have an S8+, but I don't think much is different between the S8 and S8+ other than screen size. Anyway, I had an S6 and besides terrible load times the game actually ran smoother on my S6.
I think the game is designed for Apple and for some reason Android just doesn't work well. Maybe there is a lot of behind the scenes bloatware that checks for hacks on android.
I have all but given up on exploring 5.3. For me in the last 2 weeks it has just gotten so much worse. I will start a path and have like 3 or 4 clean fights then have a lag or no responsive control and 1 to 2 combo later I am dead. Last thing I am going to do is spend through it and no matter what I do it is inevitable that I will die from things out of my control.
It was not this bad for me 3 to 4 weeks ago. Galaxy s6
5* Kingpin on have you seen this dog quest was fun with this, just like watching a video of my champs getting their b.utts blocking no hits and just wiped out 3 champs one after the other. Didn't matter if I tapped or not.
Xperia E5
Android 6.0
All champs
I’ve experienced this quite often randomly also. I believe the issue is actually an extra long block stun which randomly triggers. Meaning when u block or parry there is supposed to be a specific amount of time that u r not able to do he next input for the game to accept and do. It should be pretty brief and most of the time it is. However, sometimes randomly it does an extended one which stops accepting inputs and results in it not accepting your block, hit or dash inputs. Which make the characters just stand there and block and attack not work. The delay is so long that by he time it is over the ai has recovered and viola combo to the face. Hoping the parry fixes in the next release fix this as well.
This is seriously destroying any fun left that I've had in the game... 2 years of playing and never have I seen anything like this. So unresponsive in every way shape and form. I can't even do arena without worrying that my champs are just gonna bend over for the enemy or not! No fun in AW when ur facing an oppent u should easily be able to take down. But nope. Character just decided to drop the block even tho ur holding down on the screen. Hit it 3, 4 times, whatever. Comes up for millisecond and then just drops it. I don't even want to attempt to finish RTL or start 5.3 since all I'll end up doing is what you seem to want from me in the end. I'm not going to let this forum post die. I won't. Cause this is by far the most frustrating bs ever. More so than not being able to dash back twice. Hell, even more frustrating than what y'all did to Dr. Strange compared to the rest of the nerfed champions! I can't even guarantee I can friggin finish a path in AQ! ESPECIALLY after fighting how many champs?? Helping out with mini bosses?? Like. This feels like it's being completely undermined and overlooked! I've made sure my hands were dry! That my brand new Galaxy S8+ screen completely clean and everything I could to think of what also attribute to this stuff happening. But it still does. Constantly. I really can't take this anymore and the lack of any response is astounding! Never never never have I had such a problem! I used SL against Wolvelrine in ROL!!! And now I can't even get a 20 hit combo most of the time without my champs not responding!!!!! Please please please @Kabam Miike@Kabam Wolf gimme some form of info??
Guys it’s time to realize that bugs and issues that cost players money will not be addressed. When people stop spending on “deals”, these issues might be addressed but they help generate profit and don’t seem to decrease spending so get ignored.
Firstly, I want to reassure you that we do look into these bugs that all y'all report. We've discussed this in the past where every bug is different and they all take different means/time to be fixed. Kabam Wolf has mentioned that he'd give an update on the situation once we had more information to give about it. It's important to keep in mind that even though we haven't said anything for a certain time's length, it doesn't mean we've stopped working on it.
This issue is under investigation and is being looked into with diligence from our teams. Once we have the proper information and all the necessary details, we'll update all of you. We don't want to give a third or even half of an answer when it comes to bugs. I apologize for the frustration this can cause with waiting, but I assure you that at the end of it there is going to be an update from one of us.
Firstly, I want to reassure you that we do look into these bugs that all y'all report. We've discussed this in the past where every bug is different and they all take different means/time to be fixed. Kabam Wolf has mentioned that he'd give an update on the situation once we had more information to give about it. It's important to keep in mind that even though we haven't said anything for a certain time's length, it doesn't mean we've stopped working on it.
This issue is under investigation and is being looked into with diligence from our teams. Once we have the proper information and all the necessary details, we'll update all of you. We don't want to give a third or even half of an answer when it comes to bugs. I apologize for the frustration this can cause with waiting, but I assure you that at the end of it there is going to be an update from one of us.
But in the mean we just have to deal for months an spend our money or resources on your faulty game
Firstly, I want to reassure you that we do look into these bugs that all y'all report. We've discussed this in the past where every bug is different and they all take different means/time to be fixed. Kabam Wolf has mentioned that he'd give an update on the situation once we had more information to give about it. It's important to keep in mind that even though we haven't said anything for a certain time's length, it doesn't mean we've stopped working on it.
This issue is under investigation and is being looked into with diligence from our teams. Once we have the proper information and all the necessary details, we'll update all of you. We don't want to give a third or even half of an answer when it comes to bugs. I apologize for the frustration this can cause with waiting, but I assure you that at the end of it there is going to be an update from one of us.
Yes. It is frustrating when we lose very time-consuming quests, arena streaks, and and AQ/AW rewards because we literally couldn't move. Given the fact that many of us HAVE lost rewards from time-consuming quests, arenas, and AQ/AW, I'd say we deserve some compensation. Actions speak louder than words. Give us some action.
Firstly, I want to reassure you that we do look into these bugs that all y'all report. We've discussed this in the past where every bug is different and they all take different means/time to be fixed. Kabam Wolf has mentioned that he'd give an update on the situation once we had more information to give about it. It's important to keep in mind that even though we haven't said anything for a certain time's length, it doesn't mean we've stopped working on it.
This issue is under investigation and is being looked into with diligence from our teams. Once we have the proper information and all the necessary details, we'll update all of you. We don't want to give a third or even half of an answer when it comes to bugs. I apologize for the frustration this can cause with waiting, but I assure you that at the end of it there is going to be an update from one of us.
That is what the Kabam reps keep saying, but it doesn’t feel that way to us. We have been reporting these problems for months. Video evidence has been posted to prove that these are actual bugs, not user error. Kabam is allocating its recources to keep putting out new content, but the bugs persist. Those of us having these issues are essentially locked out of the better content because we struggle to complete the events when our characters won’t respond. We don’t have unlimited resources to spend to heal/revive because of these glitches.
For me, version 12.0 really destroyed this game. It has improved somewhat with the most recent updates, but enough of the bugs still exist to make harder content a struggle for me. I don’t even find the fights that hard when the bugs aren’t happening. I am sure my skills need improving, but that is hard to do when you have to keep compensating for these problems instead of playing the game properly.
With the addition of a built in screen recorder app on ios11 I’m sure there will be a lot more video proof of bugs. Unfortunately for an issue such as this there is not a way to also record screen inputs (that I’m aware of anyways, please lmk if there is an option) which makes it hard to prove what you say you were doing is actually what you were doing when the issue ocoured. Not that no one believes you because we have all experienced it ... a lot. Just saying if there was an option to record screen inputs superimposed on the video it would give absolute undefinable proof. Maybe a motivated programmer can create a free app for the App Store.
I can totally appreciate that kabam is looking into it but what is a fair time frame?
I will give an example. Running 5.3 was going for my third path on the tech level. Went left to Hyperion and was using my 5/50 magik. 105 hit combo to start the fight. I parry, start combo and stop mid way. Hyperion lands a 5 hit combo which takes magik from 7/8 life down to 1/4. I manage to win fight but now 1 of my 5 champs is fatally wounded. I am left no choice but quit quest or heal up when needed.
Same path 2 fights later 5/50 ultron vs Cyclops. Same thing at around a 50 hit combo and I go from near full health to bellow second processing.
It is almost every fight that my champ will stop, it is just a matter of can I catch it happening and avoid getting hit or does the ai just blast me. The additional cost in resources due to this is tremendous against strong quest.
So how long is it acceptable that kabam is looking into it?
With the addition of a built in screen recorder app on ios11 I’m sure there will be a lot more video proof of bugs. Unfortunately for an issue such as this there is not a way to also record screen inputs (that I’m aware of anyways, please lmk if there is an option) which makes it hard to prove what you say you were doing is actually what you were doing when the issue ocoured. Not that no one believes you because we have all experienced it ... a lot.
If you have android, in the developer menu, there is an option to "show touches" on screen.
Although it could be argued that it's not definitive proof, at least we can capture a visual of our input on screen in when the bug occurs. I have no clue if Apple has anything similar to that.
I Hope this help a little for anyone trying to find a way to visually record control inputs.
@Affliction , Just from the numerous posts I've been reading and started myself, the response time, failure to respond at all, and conflicting responses are not only odd but shocking to say the least. Giving credit where credit is do, I can understand that the job of moderators can't be easy, nor do we know what protocols they have to adhere to before taking any action or providing a response.
I made a post that described this type of non-disclosure of their protocols and lack of openess only leads to further miscommunications and builds animosity and resentment within the community. It's almost as if their stance is "we're not very concerned about the communities dissatisfactions". Pretty disheartening to say the least.
I think the game is designed for Apple and for some reason Android just doesn't work well. Maybe there is a lot of behind the scenes bloatware that checks for hacks on android.
It was not this bad for me 3 to 4 weeks ago. Galaxy s6
Xperia E5
Android 6.0
All champs
That unfortunately seems to be the "status quo". Very sad to say the least.
Firstly, I want to reassure you that we do look into these bugs that all y'all report. We've discussed this in the past where every bug is different and they all take different means/time to be fixed. Kabam Wolf has mentioned that he'd give an update on the situation once we had more information to give about it. It's important to keep in mind that even though we haven't said anything for a certain time's length, it doesn't mean we've stopped working on it.
This issue is under investigation and is being looked into with diligence from our teams. Once we have the proper information and all the necessary details, we'll update all of you. We don't want to give a third or even half of an answer when it comes to bugs. I apologize for the frustration this can cause with waiting, but I assure you that at the end of it there is going to be an update from one of us.
But in the mean we just have to deal for months an spend our money or resources on your faulty game
Yes. It is frustrating when we lose very time-consuming quests, arena streaks, and and AQ/AW rewards because we literally couldn't move. Given the fact that many of us HAVE lost rewards from time-consuming quests, arenas, and AQ/AW, I'd say we deserve some compensation. Actions speak louder than words. Give us some action.
That is what the Kabam reps keep saying, but it doesn’t feel that way to us. We have been reporting these problems for months. Video evidence has been posted to prove that these are actual bugs, not user error. Kabam is allocating its recources to keep putting out new content, but the bugs persist. Those of us having these issues are essentially locked out of the better content because we struggle to complete the events when our characters won’t respond. We don’t have unlimited resources to spend to heal/revive because of these glitches.
For me, version 12.0 really destroyed this game. It has improved somewhat with the most recent updates, but enough of the bugs still exist to make harder content a struggle for me. I don’t even find the fights that hard when the bugs aren’t happening. I am sure my skills need improving, but that is hard to do when you have to keep compensating for these problems instead of playing the game properly.
I will give an example. Running 5.3 was going for my third path on the tech level. Went left to Hyperion and was using my 5/50 magik. 105 hit combo to start the fight. I parry, start combo and stop mid way. Hyperion lands a 5 hit combo which takes magik from 7/8 life down to 1/4. I manage to win fight but now 1 of my 5 champs is fatally wounded. I am left no choice but quit quest or heal up when needed.
Same path 2 fights later 5/50 ultron vs Cyclops. Same thing at around a 50 hit combo and I go from near full health to bellow second processing.
It is almost every fight that my champ will stop, it is just a matter of can I catch it happening and avoid getting hit or does the ai just blast me. The additional cost in resources due to this is tremendous against strong quest.
So how long is it acceptable that kabam is looking into it?
If you have android, in the developer menu, there is an option to "show touches" on screen.
Although it could be argued that it's not definitive proof, at least we can capture a visual of our input on screen in when the bug occurs. I have no clue if Apple has anything similar to that.
I Hope this help a little for anyone trying to find a way to visually record control inputs.